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Everything You Need to Know About a Labiaplasty Procedure

Need to Know About a Labiaplasty Procedure

While a labiaplasty may not be as obvious to the casual observer as many other types of cosmetic procedures, it can have just as much of an impact on someone’s self-image. In some cases, it’s actually medically necessary! The desire to get a labiaplasty can come from the wrong motivation, though; many women feel like their vaginas don’t look right, when in fact they’re perfectly normal. Before committing to this procedure, it’s best to get acquainted with some background information so that you can be confident in your decision. Once that’s out of the way, you’ll want to choose a skilled labiaplasty professional like Dr. Ashley Steinberg, who can help you achieve the results you’re hoping for.

How does a labiaplasty work?

In general, a labiaplasty involves trimming or reshaping the inner or outer labia to create a more desirable, symmetrical appearance. With “edge resection”, the surgeon trims excess tissue from the labia; with “wedge resection”, wedge-shaped slivers are cut from the middle of the labia minora, and the edges are fastened together.

If the labia majora are being altered, there are a few common methods that are used. For labia that are too full or too long, liposuction or excision is used to reduce the size or the length. If more fullness is desired, filler material such as fat is injected to increase the size.

Why do women get labiaplasties?

Hypothetically speaking, a labiaplasty is for anyone who thinks her labia (either inner or outer) are shaped incorrectly; in most cases, it involves a reduction in size or length. In reality, though, much of the demand for this procedure is driven by insecurity. As with many other unrealistic body ideals, chasing a “perfect” vagina causes many women to miss out on appreciating their own natural beauty. Vaginas are like earlobes in that sense – they’re all unique.

That being said, it’s not like this procedure exists purely to satisfy vanity or insecurity; in fact, a 2014 study showed that 91% of women who’d gotten labiaplasties felt greater satisfaction with the appearance of their vulvas. And what about the women who genuinely need it? In some cases, either the labia minora or the labia majora may be elongated, causing chafing or tearing during intercourse, or even during normal daily activities. For these women, a labiaplasty can be an absolute game-changer.

How common is the procedure?

Compared to the most popular plastic surgeries like breast augmentations or rhinoplasties, labiaplasties aren’t quite at the top of the list. About 300,000 people get a breast augmentation per year, while a bit over 200,000 people get a rhinoplasty per year. Then there are the labiaplasty recipients, numbering about 10,000 each year. Even so, that’s no small number; it’s clear that there’s plenty of demand for surgically altered vaginas.

What makes someone a good candidate for a labiaplasty?

First, there’s the physical aspect. Assuming that the person is already in good health, what is it about their vagina that needs to be changed? In the majority of cases, the woman wants one or both sets of labia to be shortened or somehow reduced. It’s helpful to talk to not only a plastic surgeon about getting a labiaplasty, but also a gynecologist. While both types of medical professional are qualified to perform labiaplasties, the gynecologist will possibly have more insight into the best way forward. A plastic surgeon, on the other hand, will have more experience in producing an aesthetically pleasing result.

Second, there’s the mental aspect. As mentioned before, insecurity can be an influence for someone who’s interested in a labiaplasty. It could be due to a partner who talks down to them, or an over-reliance on various types of media to inform her body image. Even so, most people change their appearance to comply with beauty standards every day; it’s just that this happens to be a surgical procedure, so it needs to be taken more seriously. A plastic surgeon may suspect that a woman is seeking the procedure to feel better about herself, but that doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t get it done; the main thing is that she’s doing it for herself, and not for someone else. Unless she’s literally obsessing over millimeters, getting a labiaplasty for purely aesthetic reasons usually isn’t that problematic.

What are the risks of a labiaplasty?

Given that this is a surgery, there’s always going to be some risk. However, there are some factors that are unique to this procedure. If something goes wrong, the patient may experience:

  • Scarring that leads to painful vaginal intercourse
  • Numbness in the areas targeted by the procedure
  • Chronic dryness
  • A decrease in vulvar sensitivity

Keep in mind that the labia aren’t just there to look pretty; they’re also supposed to protect the vaginal opening. If the labia are reduced too much, that could lead to a disrupted pH balance, and an increase in vaginal infections, yeast overgrowths, etc.

What’s the recovery process like?

Labiaplasty patients do their recovering at home, but this doesn’t mean that they can go back to business as usual after a day or two. In fact, they’ll probably need to take up to a week off of work, and take pain medications consistently for a few days at least. It’s also important to:

  • Wear extra-loose clothes
  • Avoid vigorous movement
  • Take soothing salt baths and use ice packs to help with the soreness
  • Strictly abstain from sexual intercourse, tampons, and menstrual cups for four to six weeks

While most of the swelling will reduce within the first six weeks post-surgery, some swelling may remain for up to six months. They’ll have one or two follow-up appointments to make sure that everything looks good, but other than that they’re mainly responsible for following sensible recovery guidelines.

If you think that a labiaplasty could improve your quality of life, maybe it’s time to book a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

A labiaplasty can be life-changing, but make sure you’re considering it for the right reasons – that’s how you make sure it’ll be life-changing in all the best ways!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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