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Computer chips remade into a trivet

computer chip trivet 1

I have always waited for the day when computer would actually become useful in my house except for being another idiot box in the living room. And, it seems I have finally found a unique way to put the computer to use. Created by Oskay, this trivet has somehow given an unwritten license to rip out the computer and fish out some chips to make a geeky trivet for my cheese fondue. Oskay says that the only chips that should be really used are with ceramic, metal, glass packages and not with the plastic, as it melts. In addition, liquid nails, a 12×12 tile, tube of construction adhesive and a small box of sanded grout will be required to dish out the chip trivet. So, if I have really tempted you, then you might want to check out the details here and try your hands on it.

computer chip trivet 2

computer chip trivet 3

Via: Unplggd

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