5 Healthy Habits You Shouldn’t Skip in Your 30s

Healthy Habits You Shouldn't Skip in Your 30s

Health is a lifelong journey, but what we do in early adulthood has a huge influence on how we move and feel as older adults. No one wants to reach their 60s and feel the crippling effects of eating poorly, skipping exercise, and never staying on top of preventative care. Your 30s are the best time to adopt some healthy habits like these that will take care of you in the future.

1. Drinking Enough Water

Remove Fluoride from Drinking Water

From bubble teas to iced coffee, there are always so many sweet beverages beckoning for our attention. It’s convenient to grab a drink on the go that replaces much-needed H20. Water is essential for helping your body digest, absorb, and distribute nutrients. It aids cellular repair, immune response, and so much more. Make sure that you get into the practice of consuming around 2 liters each day. Investing in a refillable water bottle you can take everywhere will encourage you to drink more often. It can also help curb your thirst while saving money on drinks out.

2. Cut Out Added Sugar as Much as Possible

Glucose is essential for healthy bodily function, but excess added sugars can increase your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. It’s best to always read the nutritional label on food packaging before buying. Aim to always eat natural when you can and save the overly sweetened treats for special occasions.

3. Being More Diligent with Your Money

Woman holds one hundred dollar bills at face level and looks at camera

Healthy habits stem from more than just our overall health; it also affects our way of living. How you spend your money can either make your life easier or harder than it must be. Constantly spending your money on things you don’t need, like eating out at restaurants or buying what’s on sale. Granted, splurging is only a single factor; your necessary expenses can also affect how much you’re able to save money.

Life insurance premiums can make it difficult to have an accurate budget. This is because of the inflation of interest rates. If you’re looking to get a reduced price on the best life insurance policies, you can shop online with partnerships for some of the top providers. By being able to compare the rates of life insurance, you’ll be able to keep your family financially secure with little to no issue.

4. Never Miss a Physical

One thing to note about ageing into our 30s is that our bodies will undergo a few changes. These changes aren’t exactly ones to look forward to. Did you know that our vital organs, like the kidneys and liver, start losing important cells? This can make it difficult for these organs to function properly, and without a routine physical, you might not know these issues are even happening.

Physicals, however, are more of a general examination. Men and women also need to have a routine testicular exam or pap smear. Testicular exams are performed to make sure males aren’t developing testicular cancer. Pap smears are done to ensure women aren’t developing cervical cancer.

5. Get Enough Physical Activity Throughout the Day

Happy couple exercising outdoors. Living healthy lifestyle.

The more we age, the more important physical activity becomes. It’s what keeps our hearts healthy and our blood pumping. However, you’d be amazed how many people don’t exercise enough. If you don’t get enough exercise, your health can start declining.

Body fat can accumulate quickly, your blood pressure can rise to dangerous levels and can even lead to a premature death. What’s more is that you don’t need to run on a treadmill for hours on end to see results. You can remain active by simply going on a walk around the neighborhood. It’s recommended that everyone takes at least 10,000 steps a day and have at least two hours’ worth of cardio.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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