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Pendants have always been a viable medium for expressing love, emotions and avowals. How about voicing your concern towards environment via these adornments? In view of that, HomeStudio offers decoupage pendants made from recycled scrabble tiles. Being.

Most of the times, we think of cutting down on fuel consumption and reducing harmful carbon emissions, but eventually land nowhere for want of sufficient technologies to aid us. Fortunately, this time, Cramo Labs comes up with Econav technology to…

Here at Green Diary, we don’t normally deal with gadgets unless they come with that green tag. This exclusive flashlight, designed by Jonas Demon, is one such product that hardly has anything to suggest concerning green and all. No doubt, it’s…

How about re-defining your fashion-statement with an addition of recycled wearable art? Saleyla shows how to go about it. This fashion vest is made of 16 recycled water bottles; only mid-part included. A master pattern is created by coloring the cut…

Alternative energy might pave the way for a greener and healthier planet. So, diverse measures involving fuel-production via unconventional methods are being devised. Accordingly, researchers at the University of Wisconsin have succeeded in converting..

The Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. is making high-quality ethanol fuel from leftover beer yeast at its brewery. E-Fuel Corporation also deserves accolade for coming out with this novel concept. We might see gallons of fuel oozing out of E-Fuel 100 or the…

The packaging material, used to drape products, create a lot of nuisance to the environment. To curb this drift, Hiroshi Tsunoda comes up with a stylish lamp, dubbed Flamp, made out of its own packaging material. Confused? So was I. It’s a cardboard..

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. If you want to keep to your green promise, while gifting your valentine something she would just love then take a peek at the Elwood Clothing Hyde Wallet. This wallet is all about practicality with a purpose…

Since we look towards recycling most things, human-breath cannot be exempt. It’s a thought that has never crossed my mind before, to be honest with you! Surprisingly, Liverpool John Lennon Airport seeks to reprocess passengers’ breath into biofuel…

If you love to see green around but live far from parks and nature areas, you’ll surely miss a corner of nature in your apartment. If so, designer Nguyen La Chanh from Switzerland comes out with a new way to grow plants inside your house. Nguyen…

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