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Photo credit: BoxedWaterIsBetter

In the 1980s and 1990s there developed a fad of green consumerism, in which the consumer makes environmentally responsible choices when purchasing products. There have been bestseller books on how to be a green…


Image Credit: CredoNews

Not surprisingly, the army used a whopping 4 billion gallons of jet fuel, 220 million gallon of diesel and 73 million gallons of gasoline last year. The major burning grounds, for the 1st time in U.S war history, were Iraq..

Aquamarine Power, a multi-technology company, specializing in marine energy conversion, has come up with a new technology to produce electricity from deep waves of the ocean. Aquamarine Power recently confirmed that it has successfully tested Oyster..

Harnessing the benefits of clean, renewable energy, the US wind power industry has reportedly made installations of 2,800 MW in the first quarter of the year. The new installations have increased the total capacity to 28206MW, which will be sufficient to.

Is your electricity bill costing you a fortune? If yes, then “Smart switch” designed by Avery Holleman, is the key to your problem. The simple concept uses cool technology to help people monitor and control their power consumption. You can…

Pursuing its endeavor to reduce air pollution in Lima (Peru), Tierra Nuestra SAC has installed its first air purifier, called the Super Tree, in the district of Surquillo. Similar purifiers are to be installed shortly in other contaminated parts of…

In its spree to cut down carbon emission to half by 2015, L’Oreal has announced their intention to install a biomass system at its factory in Libramount, Belgium. The green initiative will generate 85% of the electricity for the cosmetic…

You thought crap is bad? Well, think again! Cow crap won the students of Prasetiya Mulya Business School in Indonesia first prize of $25,000, at the tenth annual Global Social Venture Competition. Students entered the competition with their invention.

Spain heralds in a new era in renewable energy by finally plugging in the World’s largest solar tower in Seville.

Abengoa Solar’s PS20, PS10’s successor, is designed to provide clean power to 10,000 homes with its 20MW capacity. The tower is a…

World's largest CSP solar tower to power 10,000 homes

Exelon and SunPower Corp. announced an agreement to utilize a former industrial site in the West Pullman neighborhood in Chicago to set up US’s largest urban solar power plant. The plant is expected to produce 10 MW of solar power once it is up and.

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