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June 2009

Urban farming thrives with roof gardens

Our busy schedules hardly allow us to think beyond the mundane worries. So finding time to establish any sort of equilibrium with nature is definitely out of the question. Contrarily, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities urges people to devote some space…

Urban farming thrives with roof gardens

Congo rebels pushing gorillas to extinction

Eastern Lowland Gorillas have been severely affected by human activity and fighting for survival since the 1990s. There has been continuous reduction in their count due to the instability in the Congo escalating into rebel war and violence. Gorillas..

Radical Nature at Barbican blends art with nature

Quite often, we just impose ourselves on the planet for our survival bothering in the least about the possible outlays. Still, there are radicals who wish to sustain man’s long-drawn-out continuation and keep on suggesting strange methods to unify art..

Norway plans to hold all of the CO2 in Europe

Just a fortnight after Scottish Power unveiled its plan to capture CO2 at Fife, Norway follows the suit to explore the North Sea. This time it’s all embracing since the project aims at sequestering the entire Europe’s carbon emissions underneath the..

Brain Mcallister’s Plug-in Electric bike for riding freaks

Brian Mcallister has designed a Plug-in Electric bike for The University of Washington Design Show 2009. Designated with the name Cykel, it has a system design that caters to a wide range of users and topographies. It has a sharing system of the plug.

PNNL redefines rooftops with Flexible Solar Power Shingles

Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland have developed flexible solar panels that can be installed on roofs like shingles. These flexible panels will incorporate a technology, which will use thin, transparent films…

Figment Festival 2009: NY shows the intent to recycle

Considering the enormous trash that we keep piling on, it’s really good that recycling is fast developing into a trend nowadays. It becomes relatively better when a nation intends to fight this menace collectively. Consequently, the US, at New York,..

Figment Festival 2009

Microbes convert toxic dregs into non-toxic residue

Recently, researchers in China have investigated an enzyme from the bacterium bacillus cereus DQ01 that has the capability to absorb hydrocarbon n-hexadecane. The bacterium was secluded from the Daqing oil field in Northeast China, where it has…

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