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Earth’s innards as steamy and hot as our sun!

Do you know that the Earth’s innards — more than a thousand miles beneath the surface – are nearly as steamy as our sun?! Yes, surprisingly, it is where the mercury temperature soars to about 6,650 degrees Fahrenheit, with that of the sun reaching…

New technology can spawn fish population dramatically!

The University Creek of Townsville possesses the highest populations of native fish compared to what it was for the past 30 years. And the secret behind it are the ‘fish passage devices’ that are installed at the crossings of the road on the…

White rhino eggs harvested successfully

Eggs from Ans — a 4,190-pound southern white rhino – have been successfully harvested from Beekse Bergen safari park located in the southern Netherlands. The next step pfr the team is to inseminate the eggs. Then they will be freeze them followed by.


Deadly nuts for Biodiesel

The jatropha plant’s flowering bush has long been used as live fencing in dry regions around the world but now scientists have found a more lucrative purpose for the nuts from these plants. The nuts are more than 30 percent oil, which burns with a…

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