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June 2007

Are energy-efficient fuels to be made from fructose in fruits?

Those of you who love apples and oranges eat all you want! For who knows, in the future they might just be used to make fuel. Scientists say fuel, made from fructose, contains far more energy than ethanol.

University of Wisconsin-Madison chemical and.

fructose in fruits

Pressure mounts after China emerges as largest CO2 emitter

Pressure has already started building up on China since a new study revealed that the Asian super power had surpassed the United States to emerge as the emitter of maximum CO2.

China was a major offender for quite a while but environmentalists…


Brown bears on the verge of extinction

Each day many species are at the brink of extinction as their habitats continue to shrink and the latest to join the endangered list is the brown bears. There number are showing a steep decline and today only 38 survive in Europe’s Alps mountain…

Glacial lake disappears in Patagonia, Chile

A general view of a dried lake in Magallanes, south of Santiago.

Do you think the ground can open up and swallow a full lake? Well that is what scientists are speculating happened in a remote region of the Andes in Patagonia, Chile.

The lake.


China overtakes US as world’s biggest CO2 emitter

China has become the world’s biggest carbon dioxide emitter, leaving behind the United States. China has surpassed the US by 8% in 2006 carbon dioxide emissions.

The unexpected announcement will fuel the anxiety about China’s increasing…

China’s road to Mt. Everest

Environmental and security concerns are on an all-time high as China proposes to build a highway to Mt Everest for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

The project aims to turn a 108-km rough road linking Tingri County of Xigaze Prefecture at the foot of the.

Tigers too fall prey to commercialism

Succumbing to market forces and the pressure of tiger farmers the Chinese government could decide on lifting the ban on world’s most endangered species.
China is the biggest traditional market for medicines made from tiger parts but it had banned its..


Japan breeds first giant manta ray in captivity

The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in southern Japan is busy these days with a new guest. The authorities there are quite overjoyed with a cute giant manta ray, believed to be the first of its kind born in captivity.

The aquarium authorities recorded…

Lake Superior shows signs of disappearing, at its lowest level

As the concerns for global warming increase, Lake Superior, the world’s largest freshwater lake, has shown a drop in its water level – the lowest in 81 years leading to severe environmental and economic consequences.

The water in the Lake has…


Nazare Canyon explored with Robot sub

The question whether a canyon as deep as Nazare would be a biological hotspot or an underwater desert has been answered. It seems to be a mix of both, some areas as the walls are as active as a coral reef, while sand dunes with no signs of life dominate..

Nazare Canyon explored with Robot sub
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