
The Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) procedure helps to examine areas like the upper duodenum, stomach or even the inner lining of the swallowing tube. A Gastroenterologist performs this procedure using an endoscope. Additional information

When is the EGD conducted?

Complication and Risks

Preparations for the procedure

the patient has to fast 6-8 before the procedure

If the patient has any kind of health problems, allergies or is presently on medication, the doctor should be informed about it

It is advisable to take someone along with you to drive you back or provide a helping had after the procedure.

During the procedure

The EGD takes around 10-15 minutes and does not require the patient to be admitted to the hospital.

The patient will be asked to lie down on the left side. An anesthetic solution will be sprayed to prevent the patient from gagging or coughing during the procedure.

Through the arm and with the help of the IV, pain alleviating medicines and sedation will be given

To view the respective body parts, an endoscope will be inserted through the mouth.   this will be long enough to go up to the stomach.

In case of doubt for cancer, a tissue sample may be also be taken

In a few cases where there is a narrow esophagus, certain tools will be used to widen or stretch it for better visibility

Post the procedure, there will be restrictions on liquid and food for a few hours. The patient will also be under observation.


Travelers guide

  • It is advisable to get the procedure done through an experienced gastroenterologist especially in the case of medical tourists.

  • While booking a hotel, consider one that is close to the hospital with a room on the ground floor

  • After the procedure, the patient can go home the next day. in case a biopsy is conducted, the patient would have to wait for a few days.

  • For the first 24 hours post-procedure, it is advisable that the patient should not drive and or operator any kind of machinery.