Logos are often seen around everywhere representing and marketing their brands without interfering in our lives directly like other marketing techniques. These simple looking visual representations are not easy to make though. Many hours are spent by the brand owners and designers before they come up with a logo, which is appropriate for their brand. A good Logo designer is always in high demand these days; especially because there are new businesses and start-ups, sprouting that require a modern approach to designing the logos. Here are a few methods that you can adopt if you are venturing in the field of Logo Designing.
1. Understand the brand
The logo you are to design is for representing certain services and the whole aesthetics of the firm, try to understand what the client is exactly looking for and deliver accordingly. Study the popular brands and see how they have used design techniques to incorporate the desired features of the brand into their logos.
2. Choose the right colors
Color is one of the foremost considerations while designing a logo. You cannot incorporate any color in the design without having a valid reason for the use of that color—they interpret valid meanings and ideas associated with the brand. Know your colors!
3. Keep the design simple
If we look around, the logos we are most familiar with and appreciate are the ones that are simple and easy to interpret. They are not overcrowded with designs. Keeping it simple doesn’t mean you put in less time designing it; just keep working on the complexity of the design till you can narrow it down to its simplest and worthwhile form.
4. Instill motion in the logo
Of lately, the popular designs have incorporated a feeling of motion in their logos. It’s as if their logos take their customers to the place they want to be. Wouldn’t it have made a difference if the ever-popular blue bird of twitter was not having its wing raised and was not in motion? Active logos are in trend and demand these days unless the client specifies a passive one.
5. Make a story
A successful technique to designing a unique logo is by making a story around the brand and coming up with the logo idea. This technique can be used for existing traditional brands too if they were working on a redesign; get to know of an interesting story associated with the brand and incorporate it into the design.
6. Use the blank spaces to your advantage
Have you ever noticed the FedEx logo and seen an arrow in the blank space? Thought so! Just have a good look at it; it is a classic example of how the design incorporated the blank space cleverly in the logo. So don’t fret if there are white spaces or blank spaces in your design, rather make it meaningful by curving out a feature of the brand that will remain intelligently hidden in the design.
7. Symmetry is everything
Even the bitten piece of the apple doesn’t look proportional to the layman, a designer knows how circles were drawn and cut off to form the logo’s stem and bitten part—that are symmetrical. Symmetry gives discipline and neatness to the logo; always incorporate it while designing, even if it is an unproportionate logo you are designing! Symmetry is the backbone of a good design.
8. Use double entendre
Double entendre or double meaning strategies, when used in advertisement and entertainment, is quite fun, as it provokes the audience to think and get the inner meaning of the concept presented. Similarly, design your logos with an inner meaning—it shows how smart a designer you are and chances are the client and customer would like to be associated with the brand’s clever logo.