
All kinds of consumer-centric industries have begun dabbling with digital marketing in recent years. It brings with it unparalleled advantages that no other modes offer. However, healthcare and the medical profession, in general, is lagging behind in taking advantage of […]

healthcare professionals digital marketing

Nowadays, brand has grown to mean much more than a name and logo. However, the branding begins with the reliability of appearance, which becomes the identity of an organization. These days, the subject of branding attracts a lot of professional


Relying solely on traditional marketing approaches would not help a business in today’s world. To explain rise of integrated marketing stratygies, Dr Prem – a world renowned marketing experts recenly spoke in international marketing conference.  “In order to remain competitive

Without the right leaders, the business world would not have come so far. Good leaders know how to adapt with the changing times. They find out new strategies for attracting buyers and keeping customers happy. With time and the progress


Brand has grown to mean much more than a name and logo. Branding begins with the constancy of appearance that becomes the identity of an organization or company. The subject of branding attracts a lot of professional attention these days,

Branding and advertising both are important and different faces of a complete marketing strategy. Every company and organization use branding to create a look and message to them that will be remembered by the consumers. Advertising is used to convey

It is an open secret that brand marketing has undergone rapid change and has evolved more during the past five years than it had perhaps 100 years back. Keeping up with the dizzying array of trends and technologies has become

If you wish to develop a successful business, then building a successful brand is the key to that. A good branding strategy can let you win the trust of your customers and increase your business’ reputation. When it comes to

Social media advertising platform is an effective way to gain website traffic using social media as the medium. Marketing strategies have become so focused now that they do follow people wherever they spend more time. The popularity of social media

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