Twitter can be used as one of the most effective business tool. However, the problem is that most entrepreneurs do not know how to use twitter for business purposes. They do not understand how to strike a conversation in 140 characters.
Here is how you have to go about using Twitter as a business promotion tool:
Consume the content
You can do this only when you have the access to all the necessary information. This is only possible when you follow the right accounts. The accounts that provide you the must know information are news sources, customers, industry experts, your competitors etc. This exercise will keep you well informed about things. It provides you a clear insight to the strategic motives of your competitor, and of Twitter as a medium in general.
Content that is yours
You can establish yourself as a leader by creating content and promoting it through twitter. You can use twitter for such promotions in two ways.
- Use Twitter to promote content written elsewhere, and providing a link to the same through twitter
- Write and distribute through twitter about your knowledge and provide little tips
Such promotions help you gain increased customers and followers.
Share information
You can add a number of followers to your list without much of effort. All you need to do is to share the information that you find elsewhere. It can be online or through others who follow twitter. Remember the information that you share is well within the interest of the customers and prospective clients.
Direct communication
Twitter has made communication so much easier. The access to twitter handle is an effective measure to reach the person directly that you wish to indulge in the conversation. This has provided a more personalized approach to communication.
Picture your tweets
In order to get higher levels of engagement add pictorial elements to the tweets. Using pictures as an informative measure can help you highlight your point in a much more effective manner. It also adds depth to your tweets, helping them have a far reach.
Tweet repeats
Since not all people are logged in throughout the day, most of them may miss your tweets since it does not show on their recent timeline. The best thing is to repeat important tweets several times for an enhanced visibility. Space your repeat tweets in the gap of say eight hours at different times of day; also change the language of the tweet a little. In addition to this, make sure you are tweeting about other things as well. If you do not tweet about other subjects, you can be mistaken for an auto-bot.
Listing people
The most effective manner in which you can use twitter is by listing the people that you follow. Creating lists will help you identify high priority people. The best is to put them on a personal list, so only you view them. The others can be put in the group lists, so that everyone in the group can view them at regular intervals.
The hashtags
Before you tweet about anything that is trending and using a hashtag, make sure, you have complete knowledge of the subject. In case you tweet using a hashtag and provide incorrect information, it will prove to be suicidal for your business image. Also, do not add any elements of humor or sarcasm to your tweets with hashtags, especially when the situation is a serious one.
Twitter can be used as an effective measure for businesses provided one understands the tricks to use it well. Twitter has the potential to increase the reach of your business, by generating effective conversations about your business and helps you promote it furthermore.