These days there are multiple collaboration tools that enable professionals to interact and connect to one another virtually. This, in turn, has affected the economies around the globe in a big way in terms of productivity. It is suggested by the report published by McKinsey Global Institute titled “The Social Economy: Unlocking Value and Productivity through Social Technologies” that more than a trillion dollars a year may be unlocked in knowledge worker productivity and this would greatly influence growth and performance in the present century.
Project collaboration tools
Project collaboration tools will eventually develop into a breeding ground wherein project teams learn more about collaboration skills.
Through this, the team members would interact regularly through various shared activities and workspaces. Here the individuals would be responsible for doing tasks collectively through collaboration showing some dependence on one another – and they would be rewarded for the positive results shown in their projects.
When deciding on project collaboration tools, give consideration to those that can work within the purview of a groups, project or department. The Podio Software is one such project collaboration tool that has apps that can be customised for the various teams.
Social software for mobilising an open network culture
Social software platforms help in establishing an open network culture. People are connected freely for using resources within an organisation in a proper enterprise social network.
The resources could be certain business functions or subject matter and they can be shared though various profile recommendations, blogs and news feeds apart from search mechanisms. Providing open access to all the members of a large organisation can be possible if there is an open network culture. Communication and transparency help in overcoming control mechanisms and build trust in the employees.
Innovation management tool
Innovation management tools provide a healthy exchange of expert ideas and crowd sourcing when creating new line of services and products.
Innovation happens through challenges that eventually help to create business value within the company. If these challenges are extended to external users through discussion forums that are community specific- then it is possible to get unique ideas and insights for enhancing the product and its features.
Most of the social technologies or collaboration tools are still untapped, and when used to their potential can provide vast opportunities for growth across the enterprise social networks. This can happen through organisational change that infuses a knowledge sharing culture wherein collaboration and communication are promoted. Here are three collaboration tools that can have a direct impact on productivity across enterprise social networks.