When you are paying attention to your thoughts, words, actions, feelings, food habits, reactions, decisions, secrets, patterns, and physique, you start tuning in consciously.
A Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi
Attention is what makes us float high above all the hurdles that are set in our way. It doesn’t matter what is it that we are paying attention to, as longs as we are conscious about it. If we pay attention to our food, then we can start making choices that would lead us towards a healthier body and a calmer mind. On the other hand, if we begin paying attention to our work, we can plan on making changes so as to be as productive as possible. Therefore, before paying attention to anything else, we should pay attention to attention i.e. with the help of reading, introspecting, and meditation, we should develop attention as everything else would automatically follow.
Quotes; “When you are paying attention to your thoughts, words, actions, feelings, food habits, reactions, decisions, secrets, patterns, and physique, you start tuning in consciously.” – Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi