You will not become aware of the world you live in if you look at it with the same attention. So don’t look, watch.
A Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi
We all look at the world, there’s nothing new to it. We have a certain subconscious awareness of it and we only tend to become aware of things when someone points them out for us. This ends up in us having the same opinion about the world as literally everyone else, as they pointed out the things for us, we didn’t observe the world by ourselves. This is the major difference between someone who has realized his true purpose or is on the way to realize it. For that, you shouldn’t just look, you should watch and observe what this world is. You should realize the difference between what’s your true opinion about the world, and what has been pointed out for you.
Quotes; “You will not become aware of the world you live in if you look at it with the same attention. So don’t look, watch.” – Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi