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How to deal with difficult students

A difficult student can exhibit various behaviors which can disrupt your classroom and even your own mindset. The acts like having food while class is going on, trying to attain the teacher’s or instructor’s attention by talking loudly or questioning


How to deal with rejection from your husband

Rejection caused by an egoist and self occupied husband can be hard to cope. It can make you feel depressed because of getting ignored and your emotions getting brushed aside but you ought to be strong to face this situation. Here are some ways to deal wi

How to deal with the media

The association with the media requires working with different mediums to inform the public of an organization’s mission. Hence, dealing flawlessly with the media indicates a positive, perfect and credible way of communicating the vision, policies, and pr

deal with control issues

How to deal with control issues

A controlling partner, friend or relative can be a cause of severe annoyance. It requires a lot of effort from your side to keep yourself balanced and stable when you are facing control issues. Let us take a look at some of the ways to deal with it.

Clinical depression is a severe medical condition

How to deal with clinical depression

Clinical depression is a severe medical condition that affects your body, thoughts, mood and behavior. People suffering from this depression say that, “they don’t feel like themselves anymore”. Hence, we have given several ways to deal with clinical depr

anxiety in a relationship

How to deal with anxiety in a relationship

Getting into a relationship is easy, but maintaining it is really difficult. Almost all men and women at some point suffer from anxiety and insecurity in their relationship. If proper steps are not taken, this anxiety can ruin the strongest relationships.

deal with a crazy mother

How to deal with a crazy mother

A mother’s caring nature can sometimes turn into excessive possessive and demanding causing her to behave crazily. To avoid useless quarrels and discrepancies in house, one should handle such situation a little more emotionally, rather than rationally.

The flirting guy

How to deal with guys

People say that women are confused personalities and that they are completely unaware of what they exactly want. Though, women are undoubtedly confused and silly, guys can be quite confusing too. Over the years it has quite been a challenge to understan

How to deal with your crush

How to deal with your crush

Every individual has a crush at some point in his/her life. Individuals often ruin it by unconsciously sending some wrong hints to the crush. Therefore, knowing how to deal with your crush can be helpful if you are in such a situation.

Quick tips to protect yourself after being rejected

How to deal with rejection in dating

Rejection in dating is an unpleasant feeling, but leaves behind clues to make the next relation work better. Rather than looking at it as a failure, you need to visualize it as a step towards finding the partner who would fill your life with warmth and af

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