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How to deal with a crazy mother

deal with a crazy mother

A mother’s caring nature can sometimes turn into excessive possessive and demanding causing her to behave crazily. To avoid useless quarrels and discrepancies in house, one should handle such situation a little more emotionally, rather than rationally.

Give her the first place when she is around

This is where we all lose the game. For a mother, her child is the same, however old he/she is. She forgets that as we grow old, we also develop the power of thinking and managing our life. In such cases, just stay calm and think about how much time your mother has spent to take care of you. Throughout her life, the only thing that she mastered was taking care of her kids. It has ended up becoming her most precious habit and hobby. Now, it is your turn. No need to react if you feel that you are over burdened by your mother’s advice’s. Remember, whatever she says or does, it is out of love and care that she has for you. Why not give her the first place for the time she is around? A little sacrifice in daily routine or the way in which you want to live, is not going to hamper you but make your mother feel a little more happy and blessed to have a son or daughter like you.

Respect her space

As we grow old, we need more friends than parents. But mothers and their relation to us never grow old. They are just the same. We want to see a friend in our mother but in most cases, this is not possible because a friend only stands with you in any condition but a mother is someone who stands in front of you in all. She will not let you get harmed by any negativity and she will be the one who probably will be the happiest when anything good happens to you. Try to realize this that she was, is and will be your biggest protector and admirer throughout your life.

Talk to her

Aren’t we told to talk to a person who feels stressed or whom you feel to be crazy? This is a human value which we learn in our schools and colleges. We even practice these on the people whom we don’t know but forget when we have to hold the same for our dear ones. How will it feel when your most precious thing has slowly moved apart? There was a time when it completely belonged to you and now, the world with all the social tantrums and responsibilities has snatched it from you. If you could understand this, you could easily relate to how your mother has been feeling since the time you have started moving away from her. We don’t realize this now, but there will be a time when we are left with guilt and no solutions. Talk to your mother, talk about how she feels, talk about how she raised you. Make her go back into her past and let her live her life again. She only dreamt for you; let her dream through you now.

Do not react

However old you may be, your mother is going to be older than you. There can be times when she might yell at you for no reasons at all, stay quiet and listen to her. If possible agree to whatever she suggests. It will not cause you any harm but definitely be very special for your mother. She has faced a lot in life, has compromised, if not all, but a lot for her children. Her children can compromise a little too by not reacting to her bad words in her bad moods. Not a big task indeed! If we can listen to our professor’s or boss’s yelling, we can surely do the same in case of our mother’s.


Give her the time she deserves

Have you ever thought why your mother keeps on peeping in your personal computer or diary? Why is she so concerned about your lengthy phone chats? Why does she want you to stay at home in your free times? The only reason, she wants her child to be with her and more than that, be free with her. Spend quality time with your mother. “Friends are there to stay but mothers are the ones who pray!”

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