How to be a Love Guide?

How to be a Love Guide

Love is an overall phenomenon and everybody loves “love”. However, it is also one of the most difficult things to happen to anyone. If one is in love then, they are constantly looking for advice. Even if one is not in love but just crushing on someone, they are constantly looking for advice. And who said, it was easy to give advice to those who are in love? It is one of the most difficult tasks ever to give advices to them. It can only be done by a love guide. How then should one become a love guide?

Here is a step by step “guide” to becoming a love guide –

Be Practical

The one seeking advice is in love and blind and hence, can’t see the obvious. The only reason he or she is seeking advice is because he or she doesn’t have the guts to do the obvious yet. However, you being an outsider have to look at the situation with perceptive eyes and without being judgemental. You have to give an absolutely practical solution that is not bounded by emotions. For, if the solution had to be bounded by emotions, there would never be any need for advice.

Stand Support to the One you are Advising

A person taking big steps in love will always need support. For, it is no easy thing to implement practical solutions to the emotional bond of love. The person will need a lot of counselling and a lot of talking before they can regain their senses and get back to normalcy. Hence, if you are being a love guide to someone and are giving them practical solutions, stand by them as a strong support. They will need you for a very long time.

Don’t Force yourself upon them

Yes, the person is asking you for your advice because he or she is confused but the said person is in a relationship and supposedly also in love. Hence, he or she may or may not follow your advice. You are being asked for advice and hence, you don’t have to force them to implement it. It is up to them to do it or not.

As easy as it may sound to become a love guide, it is indeed not easy. You might have seen a lot of agony aunt columns in newspapers to figure out how difficult a task it is to advice people on matters of love.

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