Zits are the outcome of stress, toxins in your body including infections. Zits usually occur on the skin of the face, neck, shoulders or chest. Zits are one of the most common skin inflammatory disease and affect individuals of all ages. Dealing with zits is easy as many remedies are available and following them can effectively cure you from zits.
Using Lemon
Fresh lemons are very effective in dealing with zits. The lemon should be washed well and then cut in half. Make sure that you have also washed your hands before you apply the lemon on your skin. The dirt particles on your hand may further aggravate your zits problem. The lemon should then be moved over the parts of your skin which have been affected with zits. While applying the lemon, an individual should gradually squeeze the lemon, so that the juice comes out and gets spread over the zit affected areas. After applying lemon, you should allow the juice on your face for ten to fifteen minutes before washing it off with cold water. An individual may apply the lemon at night and leave it on for the night before washing it away the next morning. You should never touch your skin after you have applied lemon on it. The lemon juice on the zit affected areas will give the areas a reddish tinge, but you should not touch it as that may damage your skin. However, after applying lemon if you find it unbearable, wash it off quickly.
Consuming green tea
Green tea contains an anti bacterial compound which helps in fighting the toxins which are responsible for the breakout of zits on your skin. The anti oxidants found in green tea are especially useful in curbing down zits. These anti oxidants help the body fight against free radicals which are the main factors behind starting the cell and tissue problems. Green tea also minimizes the hormonal activities of the body. Drinking green tea can help you in cleansing your body from the inside. Three to four cups of green tea can be consumed by an individual for effectively curbing the break out of zits. If consuming too much tea is a problem for any individual, he can apply the green tea powder at the zits affected areas. For doing this, one needs to wet a number of green tea bags. The next step is to cover the zits with these damp bags and let them dry. A research shows that men or women who have undertaken this remedy of applying green tea on zits have got zits free skin much quickly than any other treatment done on this skin problem.
Blue light zits treatment
After having applied all the creams and antibiotics, zits continue to trouble many people. These are short term methods and give temporary relief, often causing harm to your skin. Blue light zits treatment is a reliable and natural approach in the treatment of zits. The invention of the, home use zits blue light therapy equipment, has brought relief in the lives of many people. This treatment is a natural, organic and chemical free method of getting rid of zits. This can be done thrice a week for twenty to thirty minutes. This treatment helps in eradicating zits from its source. Harmful bacteria are the root cause of zit formation. The blue light zits treatment targets these bacteria and destroys them for long term relief. Individuals using this technique will notice reduction in the greasiness of their skins and also a radiant and vibrant skin within seven days. This treatment involves starving the bacteria of the essential oxygen required for its growth. This treatment does not dry out your skin like the creams or the antibiotics do. Instead it will prevent bacterial infection and help cure your skin, to make it look much better.
Using turmeric
Turmeric is a boon for the skin. Turmeric helps in smoothing out your skin which has been troubled with zits. Turmeric can be combined with cucumber or lemon juice and the paste can be applied to the zits affected areas. Leaving this paste for some time and then washing it off can also aid in getting back your glowing skin. Sandalwood powder can be mixed with turmeric powder and water and the paste can be applied on the zits. This paste should be applied on the area and rubbed slowly. After leaving it on for some time it should be washed off. This is a cheap but effective remedy for treating zits. Turmeric has anti oxidants and drinking milk with a table spoon of turmeric in it helps to fight the free radicals which are the cause for the formation of zits.
Using organic honey
This may sound weird but using organic honey is an effective way of getting rid of zits. One may question that since we are trying to make the skin less greasy, then why should one use honey which is sticky itself. This is simply so that your skin does not become too dry from lack of moisture. Organic honey does not have any side effects and is not harsh for your skin. It has anti bacterial compounds, which help in killing bacteria at its roots. For applying organic honey, you need either a clean finger or cotton swab with which you can apply the honey on the individual pits. Do not smear your face with honey. Keep the honey for around fifteen minutes before washing it off with warm water. This will not only cure the zits but bring a soft and shiny texture to your skin.