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How to deal with abandonment issues

abandonment issues

Abandonment issues, if, left unresolved can lead to many heated arguments and breakups too. You can easily deal with abandonment issues by changing your self attitude and understanding the abandoned people in a better way.

Understand core reason behind the abandonment

You must be able to understand the core reason behind the person’s abandonment issue. You must also not forget that the concerned person have already undergone a traumatic period of his or her life. It is therefore important to give them sufficient time, love, love and caring so as to make them feel the importance of their presence in your life.

Abandonment issues often tend to instigate people to either commit suicides or hurt themselves heartlessly. A little understanding and patience with them can change their entire life and also help them develop their overall positive personality in the long run. One of the happiest relations can be achieved by maintaining a mutual give and take in a relationship. An equal amount of concern, caring, love and affection can do wonders in a person’s life in a long run.

Honor your Commitments

It is important to build back the lost trust of a person who is abandoned or is presently suffering from severe disappointments in his or her life. You must try to honor your words which will definitely make the abandoned person realize his worth in your life. It is also important to spend some valuable time and reassure him or her of your selfless love, caring and concern especially after a sudden death, crisis or loss of love.

Abandoned people usually tend to expect dishonesty from all the other people around them. You must therefore try to show your honesty and sincerity in your day to day dealings with them. This is the right time to show your true concern to help them come out of their difficult times.


Meet a Professional Therapist or a Counselor

You can encourage a joint meeting in between a distressed person and an expert therapist. This joint meeting will allow focusing and resolving many larger issues growing due to the feeling of abandonment in a person’s life. You must try to encourage them to openly express their feelings so as to deal with their inner resentment, rage or despondency feeling.

On the other hand you must be able try to encourage the expert to play an active role in an overall entire healing process. A therapist must be able to work on the most complicate issues while also make maximum efforts to mend over the broken relations through his therapy in the long run.

Have an effective communication

Effective communication can play an active role in dealing positively with abandoned person. It is observed that the maximum resentments and arguments develop due to lack of understanding and communication in between the two people.

You must try to spend time to listen and understand the view point of the distressed person and also make sure that he or she is able to understand you view point too. This will help them release all their abandoned fears and express their innermost thoughts openly and freely with you.

Ultimately, it is crucial to understand the needs of your partner who has undergone any major abandonment issue. This does not mean that you must ignore all your needs and requirements while intending to fulfill the needs of your partner. However, it is equably important to deal with the entire issue of abandonment with patience and love while ignoring your needs on temporary basis.

Encourage the person to express his or her feelings in writing

Many times a person in distress is unable to come out of his numerous fears and inferiority complexes despite of putting in your good efforts. You must try and encourage them to write down their feelings and share positive notes in their diary. This will enable them to express their innermost thoughts in writing rather then sharing it verbally with you. It will also help them train their brains sensibly and focus their life in a positive direction rather than pondering over their past resentments, grievances or abandonment issues.

A person might have experienced a sudden death in a family or the end of a loving and serious relationship. Gradually this sense of loss can lead to loneliness or a feeling of immense guilt in their life. They might also undergo a severe depression in their life leading to suicide or a death too. This is time to built up your relation and trust with them and make them heal their hurt feelings with ease.


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