How to deal with difficult students


A difficult student can exhibit various behaviors which can disrupt your classroom and even your own mindset. The acts like having food while class is going on, trying to attain the teacher’s or instructor’s attention by talking loudly or questioning a lot, using gadgets and showing disrespect can be a few of them, which can be very difficult to deal with. Read on to know how to deal with a difficult students.

Set the rules and follow them

While dealing with such students, it becomes extremely important for you personally to get well equipped with best of your behaviors. Address the class about how you want the things to be placed and functioned. If you do not like late entrants, make it a point that you are never late to the class. If you want your students to maintain a clean classroom, prohibit yourself from throwing any trashes around when you are in front of them. In this way you can make your difficult student realize that he/she has no points which can help him/her to point a figure towards you. Be strict with your disciplinary measurements and never let them fail in any condition. Be clear in what you expect from each of them which includes your difficult student too. Your classroom policies should include everything from being attentive during your sessions to being participant and cooperative in every class activity.

Don’t be too strict

A few students will keep on ignoring your rules and policies even after reminding them again and again. Do not be very strict towards them by screaming at them or insulting them in front of the class. Rather, talk to them and try to understand what actually is preventing them from doing it. It can be arrogance which can be cured with a little strict remark of them scoring low grades because of these. If there is some genuine problem, you can provide them with your helping hand to get out of the situation. A teacher has more responsibilities than just educating their students on different subjects.

Ask them to work in a group

As a teacher, you must have a great view of students who are easy to teach and the ones who are difficult. Make groups consisting of at least one from each. Assign them some work which they have to do with mutual support. The effect will be obvious soon.

Give them ownership

This is the best way to encourage creativity effectively in a person. However destructive is your student, start giving responsibility of a particular activity to him/her. Ownership enhances independence and makes a person responsible for his/her work. Keep an eye on the activity and go for its review in every few days. Do not be harsh if you feel the response is not at par with what you thought, be encouraging and never except escapist attitude which is often shown by a difficult student. They will tend to run away from responsibilities by giving excuses. Never entertain it.

Be friendly

Be extremely friendly with such students. Try to get into their shoes in order to understand their state of mind. If possible establish an emotional link with them, look at them as your friends or family members. Remember, every feeling is replicated. If not soon, in sometime your student will also develop the same relation with you. Once in this position, your advices will be heard and taken care of by the student in a much more proper way.

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