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How to deal with a passive aggressive boss

If you have ever felt like you’re constantly being shut out at your workplace because of your boss’s indifferent behavior towards you, then you have a passive-aggressive boss for sure. The entire feeling of being ignored and cold-shouldered is extremely n


How to deal with anger and resentment

The feelings of anger and resentment is quite normal for human beings. But, their effects might bring enormous losses in terms of money, health and relationships. One can easily overcome this treacherous behavior if he/she knows how to manage such situati


How to deal with difficult men

A difficult man can be passive, controlling and erratic in his behavior. With your presence of mind, patience and intelligence, you can comfortably deal with such men in your life.


How to deal with mean parents

Parents are always protective and loving towards their children. However, there are cases wherein some parents are mean. In such cases, one needs to act cautiously by following certain steps.


How to deal with overbearing grandparents

It is a proud and happy moment when a parent becomes a grand parent. The support, advice and tons of tips and tricks of childcare come out of experience for grandparents. They are eager to share and offer help to the new parents. However, sometimes they

deal with jealousy of an ex

How to deal with jealousy of an ex

The happiness of any relationship can be ruined by feelings of jealousy. Often these feelings can be tucked under the guise of having too much love, however, this emotion can unfortunately hinder the future of the relationship.


How to deal with difficult customers

Customers can be very difficult in a number of ways. Some are angry, some are talkative and some can be very indecisive. There is no way you can control the behavior of these persons but you can definitely control yours. You must be adept in handling an a

How to deal with stressful situations in life

Stress is one of the biggest evils of the present modern day life. It not only damages our mental stability but also wrecks havoc on our health. Moreover, it is soon followed by frustration, depression and other behavioral disorders making the situation

How to deal with despair

Despair fills your heart with heavy loads of ‘No”s ,”No”s and only “No”s, curbs your will-power and bruises your ego with a severe collision of confusion and hesitations? Well try the following ways and feel free to enjoy your life as you deserve the best

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