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How to deal with difficult customers


Customers can be very difficult in a number of ways. Some are angry, some are talkative and some can be very indecisive. There is no way you can control the behavior of these persons but you can definitely control yours. You must be adept in handling an angry customer.


It is very difficult to respect a person who is yelling at you. Nobody is asking you to respect his/her behavior but you can definitely respect that person. You must remember that you are the not reason for his anger. But you can exert power to deal with the situation. You are not angry and full control of yourself; so this means that you have the power to take control of the situation. So always tell yourself that you will continue to respect the customer, no matter what happens. Never react to a customer in an emotional way so that you do not lose your control and power.


It is always a good idea to see the situation from the perspective of a customer so that you understand the main cause that is troubling him. Listen to him carefully and do not interrupt. You job is to listen what the customer has to say and pinpoint the source of his anger and frustration. When you give him a patient hearing, the customer will feel that the company and the people actually cares for him and there will be a genuine attempt to resolve his problem. The customer will calm down when he understand this and the process of negotiation or resolving the problem becomes a lot easier.

Don’t blame the customer

There is never any good reason why you should blame an already irate customer. This will re-ignite his anger and he will feel that his credibility is being questioned. There is no need to blame your company also. What you must do is avoid the blame game.This is different that acknowledging a genuine mistake that you or your company may have committed. If you actually acknowledge the mistake and offer your apologies, then the customer will feel good and will love the fact that company does not fall short in accepting a genuine mistake.

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