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How to deal with despair

Despair fills your heart with heavy loads of ‘No”s ,”No”s and only “No”s, curbs your will-power and bruises your ego with a severe collision of confusion and hesitations? Well try the following ways and feel free to enjoy your life as you deserve the best.

Think big

Always think big and never feel downcast by the obstacles which are coming in your ways .Take time out and think about what makes you happy.If you love writing ,write. Find out contacts to get your writings published and this would fill you with a sense of satisfaction and delight. Sometimes you can meet with unexpected challenges but don’t think of giving in. Just try and try to get a clearer perspective of your life so that you can climb the steps higher and higher to move closer to where you want to be.

Be realistic and have faith in yourself

Set your goals and try to reach your goals with confidence. Don’t procrastinate, make a plan and stick to it. Break your goals into short-term,long-term or mid-term and act accordingly because you must pick up the speed and have the capacity to reach your goal. Don’t waste your time to solve silly issues. It would be better if you know your priorities and can plan for doing the most difficult task. Try to know your shortcomings and work on them so that you do not fail to get the best results. When you reach one of the stages of your goals, just celebrate and tell yourself that you have done it and nobody can defeat you. But for that you have to work hard and concentrate on your betterment.

Face your fears

No decision can be governed by fear. Fear is the worst thing in our life. If it grabs you, you can never move ahead. So just get rid of the fear which creates obstacles in your way and as a consequence, you lose your confidence. You have to control your worries and fears so that you can achieve your goals. Persistence and perseverance are the secrets to overcome your fear and never be apprehensive to take the risks. However, you must work out the ways to get to the heights where you wish to reach and you have to plan accordingly. There would be many to say “why” and “how”, but if you stick to your goals, you can make them a reality. And when you have made up your mind to get what you wish, you can be able to fight despair with a resolution to win.

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