“If you want to have love, you have to open your heart and give love.”
Love — Much taken for granted
How often have you heard the word love being uttered by your co-worker, the television actor or the superstar giving an Oscar speech? In case you actually sit to count on how whimsically we pronounce the word-Love- throughout our life, you would be stunned to find that love perhaps intertwined with all our words, actions, feelings and perhaps—our entire life.
With thousands of unknown poets having perished trying to put forth their love through ballads, here are umpteen souls in the present day who pine for love every second of their life. The concept of love is akin to an elastic band. The more you pull it, it expands to accommodate another perspective, yet another form.
A wise old man had said sometime,—“Love has power to conquer the world. It is universal power which has power to control all powers on universe.“ Exploring all the various forms of love would be all too ambitious within a limited scope. However, in general, love can be taken to mean the all encompassing feeling that binds together known and unknown, men and animals or even a tree and a man!
Love as we know it
In the terror ridden world we live in today, love has become more of a necessity. A single red rose or a teddy bear with a ‘I love U jacket’ is not the boundary of love between two lovers. A box of chocolates is no margin to measure the love between siblings. When it comes to our parents, perhaps, the gift shops too fail to provide a yardstick of expression of their love for their children. Moving into the special dimension of love is perhaps the best way to see up close of what wonders love can actually do.
Oh Mighty Love!
Right from the Bible to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our Holy texts have expounded on the power of love. “That cloak is true, which is dyed in the color of the Love of my Beloved, wearing it, my thirst is quenched”—words attributed to Nanak Dev Ji that go back a thousand years, yet hold true till date. Even for the atheists and the skeptics, the power of love has been made known. How many times have you forgiven your best friend for having screamed at you? How many times have you taken in the dominance of your partner simply to make him or her happy? Such and a million related question stare at you into your face.
Have you pondered over how exactly you managed to overcome anger, greed, and desire to end up in a compromise for the sake of relationships? The answer is merely lodged in four letters L_O_V_E.
It is no mere coincidence that all great men across the ages have harped on selfless loving, without expecting anything in return. Of course, they did not speak to please the masses. They spoke from personal experience. While elaboration on anyone example would be partial, there have been simple occurrences with one and all, that prove the same thought. The greatest sins are those of greed and betrayal. Think of the one you cherish the most—your dad, your lover, your childhood buddy and weigh the possibility of betraying them for gaining money and fame! In all probability, your thirst to conquer the world would die down at the thought of losing one of these. This is the best way to understand how love and love alone conquers all feelings.