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How to deal with discouragement

Life is full of ups and downs. We get discouraged by failure, letting down by people we trust and undeserved criticism, and even opposition put in our path. We get everything we want, yet the feeling of discouragement lingers on. Not only adults, the chil

How to deal with worries

It is a universal fact that worries, along with accompanying stress and anxiety, play a significant role in our lives. They force the individual to live in irrational fear making it impossible to live normal life. They emit signals warning them of impend

How to deal with aging

A variety of inter-connected and decisive changes in our social, mental and physical lives get us closer to aging, a stage which is universal and unavoidable to ignore. While there’s no way to stop those creepy eyelids, grey hair and sagging skin tone,

Criticism throws light upon any decision or suggestion made

How to deal with unjust criticism

Criticism throws light upon any decision or suggestion made. It is generally offered for the betterment of an individual or an organization. Criticism can be at home or at workplace. Your parents may not be happy with a decision taken by you. Your boss ma

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