Five most effective ways to increase your influencing power

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

When it comes to building the leadership skills, the first thing that should be taken into account is influencing power. If you want to be a good leader, you have to possess enough capability of influencing others around you. However, having the skill of influence does not mean that you are a great leader. You need to develop it in order to be successful in your way. Therefore, here are five best strategies that you can follow to increase your influencing power as well as leadership skill:


1. Listen to Others

First, you have to listen to others carefully. It is the biggest condition for winning the heart of others and gaining their confidence. Unless and until you spend enough time to listen to them as well as understand their perspectives, you are not allowed to talk about their lives or direct them as per your requirements.


2. Show Proper Respect

Your influencing power also depends upon the respect you show to others. Remember, impertinence is often more degrading than disagreement. Hence, never disrespect others if they have different point of views. Rather, try to be analytical and value others’ opinions. It would also enrich you as an aspiring leader eventually.


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3.  Maintain Your Consistency

Another important factor that makes a person influencing as a leader is his / her consistency. Your followers will believe in what you will show them. So, be dedicated and unfailing in your own work and values. Your disciplines will direct them in the same way, thereby giving you the best outcomes.


4. Put Your Best Efforts

As a leader, your aim should always be to put your best efforts. Try to utilize your intelligence, skills and energy in a proper manner so that you get the maximum output from your employees. Keep yourself involved in various organizational issues and take initiative to solve those efficiently. It would make your task of influencing others easier.

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5. Take Care of Others

Being a leader does not only mean taking services from others. It also refers to serving your followers as and when required. Your services for your followers show how much you honor and care for them, which ultimately results into a strong influencing power.


This post talks about five best ways to develop your influencing power. You need to listen to others, respect others, maintain your own consistency, put your best efforts at your work and take care of your employees in order be influential.

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