Times change and so do the things persisting in those times. Here, we are referring to the press release. There was a time when press release used to rule the roost as an SEO tool. As an SEO tool, press releases worked so well that it became the most used SEO tool. It gained so much of popularity in digital marketing that the word PR began to be used in place of SEO. However, as change is the universal truth, it affected the PR SEO reputation as well. Now, the press release SEO glory days have gone, as press release is no longer considered as an effective SEO tool. However, before delving deep into the reasons behind this situation of press release SEO, let us have a look at the glorious past of the press release SEO.
An SEO expert used to write or get press releases written, which used to be based on keyword strategy. Then the press release used to be posted on some news wire, and from there multifarious news indicators used to pick the PR and post it on their respective websites. As a result, the press release used to spread like fire all across the web. As Google crawled the web, the press release could be found on multifarious and highly respectable news websites. Google used to consider links, keywords and the number of posts, on whose basis it used to give respective rankings to the posting company.
In this way, press release SEO domineered for a very long time. However, as change would have it, PR SEO started to see a considerable fall afterwards. Actually, it is the misuse and overuse of press release strategy that ultimately lead to a fall in its acceptance and reputation. People started using PR as an SEO tool and the internet became flooded with press releases that were hardly newsworthy. Consequently, Google had to change its search algorithm because it found press releases to be desperate attempts of SEO experts with keywords and backlinks over stuffed, and less of news.
It can be concluded that press release is worthy of many things but not SEO anymore. This has been a good move by Google, wherein it has put a bar on the use of press release as a desperate SEO tool and has brought back its true worth, to disseminate news to press and public.