Cats make great pets and they are adored by their owners. There is nothing better than the bond you share with your feline friend. They can be loyal to you. When you are feeling lonely, their soft body can provide you the warmth you need. It is true that traveling with your pet cats is not always possible and you have to find alternatives to keep them safe and happy while you are away, but you can at least travel to places where cats have always been cherished and loved. There are places around the world where cats have been petted, given home and kept with utmost care and affection. If you love the feline sweethearts, you must visit these places once, especially if you are a frequent traveler and cannot have your own cats. Below you will find a list of places where cats are important and draw tourists.
1. Moscow Cat Theater and Cat Temple
Yuri Kuklachev is a serious cat enthusiast. He is the head of the Moscow Cat Theater. After much deliberation and months of work, the renovation work at this very special place is now complete. At the new cat temple, you would come to know about various ways of showing love and kindness to cats. Moreover, you may learn how cat allergy can be subdued. It is the only cat theater of the world and a must visit destination for the cat lovers. There are cat kennels for the participant cats. Yuri is a renowned animal trainer, who has been performing as a clown along with cats for many long years. Asia indeed is a cat-loving continent. You can find many cat cafes around, so the cat temple made by Yuri resembles such cat cafes. People can come here and pet different breeds of cats and also play with them. There are a total of 120 cats in this theater who are trained actors. Yuri has made elaborate arrangements for keeping the different breeds of cats happy. For American breed cats he has made a Manhattan themed living space and for the Persian cats there are Persian rugs to play on. Harsh behavior to train cats will never work out well. Cats need to be dealt with in a firm but cordial manner. Yuri’s Cat Temple teaches how to breathe by practicing respiratory gymnastics.
2. Cateriam Cat Café
There are plenty cat cafes in Tokyo. They became popular after the turn of the century. Even now they are very popular. If you are a cat lover visiting Tokyo you must visit one of these cafes. Located at the west side of Shimokitozawa you will find the Cateriam café. To enter you have to take off your shoes and wash clean your hands. You can pet and take pictures of the cats. There are cat toys and special canned food for the cats. They are clean and healthy. You can get some refreshment here as well.
3. Kattenfestival
The Kattenfestival do surround cats but they might terrify the cat lovers. Sadly there was a tradition long back in the 12th century which made the prejudiced people throw cats from the belfry of Lakenhalle. This ritual practiced once a year at this festival was believed to rid the town of all bad luck and evil. People wanted to purge themselves of the evil powers they believed to be present in the cats. This horrific tradition continued till 1817. After that the real cats, thankfully, were substituted with toy cats. Now it has become a day of revelry that comes once in three years and celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
4. Earnest Hemmingway House
Located at Key West, Florida, the Earnest Hemingway Home and Museum had been the residence of the popular and respected author. Hemingway was fond of cats. According to guides the six to seven cats at this residence belong to Hemingway but his wife and son have called such claims as lies.
5. Pozenboot
The Pozenboot can be located at the pristine coast of Amsterdam and attracts many cat loving travelers. Generally cats are not fond of water but in this boat the cats reside with great comfort. Animal shelters are not great crowd pullers because they have a formal ambience that is not much fun. If you visit the Pozenboot your concept will change. You can pet the cats and spend time with them at this safe haven for stray cats.
6. Torre Argentina Cat Shelter
Many cats in Rome have no particular home and hence, cars or cruel people often kill them recklessly. The Torre Argentina Cat Shelter used to be the home of many stray cats. You can go and explore the area. There are a great variety of cat breeds here. Recently this cat shelter has been asked to close its works due to health and pollution concerns.