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deal with abusive people

How to deal with abusive people

Irrespective where we go, we are surrounded by all sorts of people. And one such set of people are abusive or negative. Let us see how you can deal with abusive people.

How to deal with a demotion

A demotion is one of the most distressing thing happening in your career which also jeopardizes your long-term standing with the company. No employee likes to be on a lower peg all of a sudden, but this state of affair is becoming more usual nowadays. The

How to deal with arrogance

It is not unnatural to feel hurt and angry when subjected to prejudice. But before the arrogant people, with their bossiness and irrational thinking, get to your nerves, it is important to find ways of handling them. To help you out, here are some suggest

How to deal with a micromanaging boss

Micro-managers can be really tough to handle and especially if they happen to be your boss. It not only hampers the personal development of an individual but also affects the work relation between you and your boss. A micromanaging boss is especially to


How to deal with colleagues

Wherever people are working together, it is certain that problems will arise from time to time. In most of the cases, work stress and burnout are responsible for the majority of conflicts. These conflicts will certainly affect your performance and efficie

How to deal with conflicts

Conflicts can arise in your personal or professional life due to various reasons and remain unresolved because of poor communication and wrong attitude. Use these simple tactics mentioned below to deal with conflicts at home or at work.


How to deal with people you don’t like

One of the best ways to deal with people you don’t like is just to avoid them. Unfortunately, this strategy cannot be followed in every situation. However, there are other ways which can help you in dealing with such difficult people.

deal with a difficult mother-in-law

How to deal with a difficult mother-in-law

A great relationship with a mother-in-law is experienced only by a lucky few. Most of the mothers-in-law tend to act tough and dominating, making life difficult for everyone. Here are a few tips on how you can deal with a difficult mother-in-law.

How to deal with conflicts at work

Conflicts are inevitable in organizational settings because every organization has a staff with diverse set of personalities, experiences and cultural backgrounds and when people who are extremely different from one another work together, misunderstanding

How to deal with hunger

Hunger is body’s way of saying “it wants to have some food to eat”. But, these hunger pangs have to be handled intelligently to avoid any future guilt. This generally happens when one is a food freak and gets alarmed when it is too late to recover.

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