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How to deal with a demotion

A demotion is one of the most distressing thing happening in your career which also jeopardizes your long-term standing with the company. No employee likes to be on a lower peg all of a sudden, but this state of affair is becoming more usual nowadays. Therefore, it is essential to explore some of the tips and tricks to handle the situation of being demoted.

Try to figure out why you are demoted

Since demotion can occur due to several reasons, you should sensibly analyze the possible reasons for demotion to know whether you still have a future in the present company. Most of the companies are laying their hands at every cost-cutting strategy they can find in order to survive the recession. They often do it by cutting and consolidating staff. In the past, demotion and termination used to hit only under-performers. But now any of the employees can become a prey of it. Many of the companies do not communicate the decision to terminate an employee directly. Try to figure out whether the company is giving you a chance to read the writing on the wall by demoting you. Try to find out whether the demotion is temporary or permanent. If it is permanent re-think your prospect in the company. Be truthful in analyzing the context of demotion. The reason also could be your inability to handle the job as required.

If the company has demoted a bulk of employees, it may a part of the some huge restructuring process. Whatever be the reason, you should be wise enough to recognize the real reason for demotion and should know whether the company is trying to push you out the door. Try to stand back and review the situation and get the truth.

Take actions according to the context of demotion

Immediately after you are informed about the disheartening demotion, do not spoil the situation by sudden anger or emotional breakouts. Inability to deal with a career setback can be damaging to your professional life. Before plunging into any rash actions, try to stand back and review the situation and get the truth. Be calm and ready to handle the reasons and make necessary changes. Whatever information you get on the reasons for demotion, delay your reaction until you get the truth. Keep your mind open to receive genuine feedback from your manager. If you are totally convinced that you have been unjustly wronged, do not hesitate to take legal actions or any other mode of resentment. If you feel that it is a fair decision, look for the next option of career change. If your career options with the present company are very narrow, there is no point in hanging on with the same company. You need to improve or learn new skills to be a better employee in the future company. Be calm and ready to handle the reasons and make necessary changes.

Treat your bruised ego

You need to treat your hurt ego before stepping out to do anything else. Never try to spoil any links and relationships in sudden anger or outburst. Be careful what you say and spend sufficient time in reshuffling your options. Do not overreact with resentment and annoyance to people’s questions and comments. Learn to deal with harmful feelings sooner rather than later. Employees are required to swallow their pride, and it is better to perform better and reveal an optimistic outlook. Realize that structural changes or a management shake-up are common in the modern world. Never allow the beating on your ego to outdo the need to be reflective. Explore ways to buttress your ego through non-work activities.

Do not fail to see the silver lining

Even though a demotion means a drop in responsibility, control and position in the company and loads of embarrassment, remember that you still have a job in your hands. Never forget that downgrading is better than joblessness in a world wherein redundancies have become a common parlance. Treat the situation as an occasion to reevaluate your life and analyze where it is heading to. Since you can’t control external factors, make fruitful changes to your thinking, attitude and sense of direction. When you are ready to change yourself, you will feel empowered to take up challenges. Try to analyze whether you were simply in a wrong job and you were hanging around without any ambition. Treat demotion as an opportunity to rectify your track.

Try to keep things in perspective and move on

Once the mist of distress, anguish and resentment calms down, look for better opportunities. If you are not at all comfortable working in the present job, take demotion as a powerful trigger to hunt for a better job. The need of the hour is to acquire a cheerful attitude and diligent work habits. The new occupation that you will find will turn out to be an amazing find and dust off your despair and move on. A demotion is not the end of life or your career. Never treat the temporary face in your life as irreparable. Look for a change that will make you happier. You should not allow the current setback to stand in the way of satisfying your career aspirations. Discard all the negative feelings and go on with a positive attitude and cheerful face.

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