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How to deal with colleagues


Wherever people are working together, it is certain that problems will arise from time to time. In most of the cases, work stress and burnout are responsible for the majority of conflicts. These conflicts will certainly affect your performance and efficiency in an adverse manner. Here are some tips which can help you out in dealing with your colleagues.

Consider that is it really any of your business

When you are dealing with your colleagues, the first and the most important thing that you should always keep in your mind is that not every issue deserves your time and attention. Most of the conflicts arise because we have the habit of taking things personally. Your workplace may be having several people coming from different backgrounds and culture, and that is why their way of working may be different from yours. Obviously, those who have personality, preferences and politics different from yours will certainly have a totally different approach towards any problem in comparison to yours. Sometimes, you will find these differences very irritating or even personally offensive, but you should get yourself involved only if these differences are keeping you away from doing your job. For example, if one of your colleagues listen to music all day long using headphones or earphones, then it’s none of your business as long as you can’t hear the sound. Similarly, if one of your colleagues skips any procedure that does not interfere with your schedule or ultimately compromise the organization’s performance, then it’s better not to highlight the matter in front of others. However, if the work habits of your colleagues increase work pressure for you, then you should certainly raise your concerns.

Validate their reality

Your defensiveness or impulse is to fight back whenever someone approaches you in a state of anger. However, if someone is overloaded with emotions and stress hormones, then you are simply escalating their meltdown by responding in an aggressive manner. This makes it even harder for them to see a more reasonable point of view which eventually defeats the cause of working towards a satisfying solution. The best way to tackle such situations is by responding with compassion and understanding. Believe us, communicating agreement is perhaps the simplest and the most effective way to counter his diatribe. It will be much easier for the other person to let go of his attachment to hurt or angry feelings if you validate the reality of their experience. Validating other person’s feelings is the most powerful and disarming strategy that you can employ in a stressful situation.

Think ahead

Preventing the problem from occurring in the first place is perhaps the best way to resolve it. You will be prepared in a better way to tackle the problems which may arise in future if you have already anticipated your own needs in that situation. Identify all the constraints, resources and sources of support that you’ll need. You can prevent the possible conflict between you and your colleagues by planning ahead. You can make sure that the existing problem does not get worse by creating a clear picture of what you’ll be needing. This eliminates the chances of any confusion which are largely responsible for a number of conflicts. Well defined roles and responsibilities prevent situations from becoming problematic.

Don’t engage in toxicity

Avoid or at least minimize your exposure to negative people and influence as much as possible. It will become even more difficult for you to handle the situation if you get too much involved with such people. Stay away from gossips, even if it is about you. Remember that it is your workplace where you are supposed to concentrate on your responsibilities rather than just goofing around. If someone is gossiping about you or anyone else, then it’s better to simply walk away. Although you may be at a risk of rejection or criticism, but still, it’s for your own good. Being criticized or abandoned is much better than having toxic people involved in your life.

Appreciate others

Encouraging and supporting others is one of the most effective ways of making things work smoothly between you and your colleagues because everyone likes it when they are appreciated for their work. Look for opportunities where you can let your colleagues know that they have done a good job. Make it your habit to appreciate and recognize others and in no time you will observe that all the negativity in your workplace has disappeared. However, you have to do so without expecting something in return. Commenting on how effectively a colleague handles a difficult situation or genuinely acknowledging a coworker’s skills can not only make that person’s day, but also, it provides the much needed boost after such a stressful day. Good relationships do not happen by accident, you have to put some efforts from your side. There is nothing wrong in creating your own little corner of safety and support even if you are working in a really toxic environment.

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