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Difficult people at the workplace

How to deal with bad co-workers

Difficult people at the workplace can really make your life stressful. Bad co workers will make you want to pull your hair out. But you can hardly do anything as you need to work with them every working day. But do not despair as there are some really goo


How to deal with homophobia

Homophobia is hostility towards or fear of gay people. Homophobic behavior is exhibited by people who have negative feelings towards non heterosexuals like gays, lesbians, transgender people but here are some ways to deal with these feelings. Let us tak

deal with bad customers

How to deal with bad customers

In the business world, it is well known that acquiring a new customer is five times more expensive than retaining an old one, which makes it extremely important that even bad customers should be treated well. Here we have given some ways to deal with bad

deal with bad roommates

How to deal with bad roommates

Not all roommates become good friends. Some of the roommates are really irritating and staying with them can be very difficult. Here are some ways to deal peacefully with your bad roommates.


How to deal with jealousy in a marriage

Jealousy in marriage is a common feeling and many of us have felt it at some point of our lives and know how threatening it can be. The following are a few ways of dealing with it.

deal with problems of students

How to deal with problems of students

The student life is meant to be full of fun, excitement and joy. However, students do face various problems in their lives while they are in their studying phase. Here are some tips to deal with such problems effectively.

How to deal with gas

How to deal with gas

Sometimes, after eating some foods, your stomach experiences pain in certain areas. This pain is due to the accumulation of gas which has been released by the food you have eaten. This gas needs to be vented out and you should know how to deal with it.

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