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How to deal with broken bones

A broken bone is commonly known as fracture which requires medical attention.You need to take action immediately. The common signs of fracture are pain, deformity or swelling. While you are waiting for medical help take the following actions immediately.

How to deal with domestic violence

Domestic violence can be physical as in hitting and assaulting, or it may be emotional as in always controlling, public humiliation, name-calling, criticizing, refusing to cooperate or being deceptive and manipulative. Here are a few steps that will help

How to deal with patients

How to deal with patients

The relationship between the patient and his care provider is laced with trust, responsibility and respect. Dealing properly with patients is as important as is the medical assistance provided thereof. Here are some easy ways that can help physicians deal

How to deal with arrogance

It is not unnatural to feel hurt and angry when subjected to prejudice. But before the arrogant people, with their bossiness and irrational thinking, get to your nerves, it is important to find ways of handling them. To help you out, here are some suggest


How to deal with your husband

You have found your soul mate and had a dream wedding. Your loved one is now your husband. But you have to face the truth that your Mr. Perfect will return to his normal behaviour someday. That is where the challenge starts. After a few

How to deal with fear of flying

Vacations are typically a time to relax and enjoy sans any worries. However, leisure usually gets overpowered by stress for those people who are afraid of flying while they decide to go out for a vacation.

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