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How to deal with broken bones


A broken bone is commonly known as fracture which requires medical attention.You need to take action immediately. The common signs of fracture are pain, deformity or swelling. While you are waiting for medical help take the following actions immediately. Stop bleeding Take a clean cloth or a piece of cloth and apply a very little pressure to tie it. If the wound is worse, dip a cotton pad in iodine solution and clean the wound slowly without displacing the affected area. It is only the doctor who can tell whether there is a fracture or not. While waiting for the medical assistance you should at least try to stop or control the bleeding.

Immobilize the affected area and apply splint Do not try to replace the bone or do not push the bone that is sticking back in. If you are trained for the usage of first aid, you can help. If you have no knowledge, leave it as it is otherwise it will deteriorate the condition even more. Apply the splint just above and below the fracture when the medical assistance is not readily available. The padding of the splint can help reduce the discomfort of the fracture. Tie the splint with a tape or roll it over so that it does not move.

Apply an ice pack and treat the shock Wrap up the ice in a cloth or a towel and apply the cold compressions near the affected area. It will not only limit swelling but will also relieve the pain until you seek medical help. Do not use ice directly on the skin. If the person is unconscious or is feeling any problem in breathing, let the person lay down and keep the head a little lower than the body and the legs a little higher than the body.

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