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How to deal with being bullied


Mostly school children bear the brunt of being bullied and it gets worse at times when the person who is bullied feels alone and scared. Losing sleep, having headaches, eating abnormally less are some of the symptoms you can face during this tough phase. If you are being threatened in school or workplace you can use the following tips to deal with bullies.

Ignore them

Its very tough to ignore such people who are bullying you. But it is a fact that if you start ignoring such individuals and do not show any reaction to their comments and actions they will certainly with time start losing interest in bullying you. In the beginning you can find it difficult to ignore their comments but with firm determination you can help yourself and urge them to stop bullying you.

Share your problem with someone

At that point of time when you are being bullied you would not want to share your problems with anyone thinking that it would make the situation even worse. But studies have proved that the best alternative is to speak about the problem to someone you trust and who can give you advice. It is possible that your mind being bogged down by the problem doesn’t come up with a solution and a suggestion from near ones can help you deal with your problem.

Avoid being alone in the presence of bully

If you are being threatened by the bully of violence, it is advisable to avoid being alone in the presence of bully. Always walk in group because it is very less likely that the bully will harm you physically when you are with group of people because in that case even he would fear attack on him. He will instead look for chances to find you alone in order to harm you. Hence, you should avoid walking alone during break as well.

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