Laziness has caused great damages in the life of individuals, who despite having great potentials have failed because of their lazy attitude. Therefore, it is essential for individuals to know about ways to deal with laziness.
Look within your self
The best way to deal with laziness is to look within your own self. This will help you in understanding the root cause of your lazy attitude. You will realize the reasons for your laziness and will be able to deal with it effectively. Make a note of places and situations where you have been lazy and not acted on that situation. Note down how you have failed in such situations and hence, faced a loss. Unless you accept the fact that you are lazy, no amount of advice or good words will have any effect on you. When you realize that your laziness is due to some materialistic thing, you can eliminate that thing from your life.
Motivate yourself
When you come to terms with the fact that you are lazy, it will become easy to deal with it. Motivate yourself by seeing your earlier works, before you went the lazy way. It may be difficult to stop being lazy on the first day, but if you continue motivating yourself, you will achieve it. Do not be harsh on yourself. Rather give time and you will be able to handle the situation effectively. Act as your best friend and convince yourself that you also can do something productive. Think about how good the things will be if you stop being lazy and do the tasks on time and with full mind.
Break a task into small steps
Breaking the job into small steps will help you in doing it easily. Then prioritize the tasks as per importance and urgency. This way you will start with the important jobs and then move on to the less important. This will keep you motivated and get your work done before the laziness starts taking over you. Devise ways of doing the job in a simple way. Next, relax yourself and in a controlled manner complete the job. Focus on only one job at a time. This will help you to concentrate on the work. Often, you tend to become lazy when there are many things to do within a fixed deadline.
Reward yourself
When dealing with your laziness, always remember to reward yourself after you complete a job that you did not do before. This will act as a good motivator. This will help you to feel good about pushing yourself to get out of your laziness and doing something productive. Rewards can range from eating a snack to going out for a walk or relaxing on the sofa with your favorite book. This will help in training your mind and you will be ready for more work. This will also increase your confidence level and boost your morale. Rewarding yourself would motivate you and help you cope with the laziness in you.
Set long term goals for your self
Setting up long term goals will ensure you to work hard as you have something to achieve at the end of the work. Choose such goals which will inspire and motivate you. It will help you to have a clear idea about what you exactly want. Short term goals will not motivate you. Goals can range from buying a house to buying a good car to fulfilling your long cherished ambitions. Compiling a to-do list often helps in prioritizing things. Maintaining a journal and keeping track of the things that may have helped you or hindered your activities in achieving the goal will be helpful in dealing with your laziness.