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How to deal with your husband


You have found your soul mate and had a dream wedding. Your loved one is now your husband. But you have to face the truth that your Mr. Perfect will return to his normal behaviour someday. That is where the challenge starts. After a few days you might find that your husband, besides being your husband, is also a mama’s boy, or truly professional or completely social. These personality traits will somehow disturb you. Here are some ways of how to deal with your husband.

I have what you need

One of the reasons people fall in love is to compensate for things they’re missing. After researching your husband’s background and past you will be able to know his weaknesses and what he dislikes about himself. With that knowledge, all you got to do then is show him you’ve got it. You don’t have to show him that you have the qualities themselves; you could just show him that you’re in the process of acquiring them one day. The following are some other examples of how husband can be attracted to a wife who can provide him what he needs.

a. A husband who lacks creativity may become attracted to a wife who is a creative thinker.

b. A husband who lacks assertiveness may become attracted to an assertive wife, if she treats him kindly.

c. People will always be attracted to those who will more or less compensate for their weakness and thus complete them. Know what your husband needs and simply show him that you have it.

One final note, don’t tell your husband directly that you have what they’re looking for. Humans dislike others who talk about themselves and automatically think they’re showing off or bragging. So, instead give him the chance to discover you; it’s more appealing and trustful. Reveal your good traits and let him see it instead of telling them up straight that you have it.

Love economics

If you’ve studied economics then you’re, most probably, familiar with the concept of supply and demand. The concept is very simple; if there’s a lack of supply of a product, its price will go up and if there’s an abundance of that product’s supply, the price goes down. Economics can also be applied to love. Researchers have found out that a person’s sense of appeal to others grows way higher when others know he’s in demand.

The mistake lots of people commit is not taking care of the way they look as soon as they get married. They usually start feeling less attractive and as soon as this fact is conveyed to the other side, they too start finding you unattractive. Taking care of your looks and health is vital to the long term survival of your relationship. Some women tend to believe that the fact that they have kids is enough to trap their man; that of course is not true. If you are serious about your relationship, then don’t ignore your looks even if you’ve been married for 10 years or more. The other thing is to let your partner know when someone compliments you, in case they haven’t noticed. Yes it may trigger some jealousy, but on the other hand it will prove to your partner that you are still in demand.

Relationship with parents

People fall in love when the person meets a certain criteria that is defined in their subconscious minds. This criterion is based on the person’s background, values, needs, past experience and beliefs. If you already are familiar with your husband’s criteria, then well and good; match it and you’ve got a love story going.

But the question is; how can you figure out these criteria? The great thing about these criteria is that there are some definite factors that are almost universal for everyone, topped with their relationship with their parents. Generally a husband would be attracted to a woman who kind of resembles her mother; that is of course if her relationship with his mother was good.

So the first thing you can do in order to make your husband fall in love with you is to resemble his mother. With a bit of research, finding out the role the mother plays in your husband’s life and mimicking it should not be a problem.

Induced addiction

What if your spouse became addicted to you? Will there be a chance of a divorce? No there won’t, and that’s why the induced addiction technique is one of the very powerful techniques that can help you make your husband fall in love with you.

People become addicted to any pleasant experience they get used to. Try to suddenly stop one of the habits you are used to and see what will happen. If you drink a cup of coffee every morning, try going to work without one and observe what happens. You’ll, most likely, suffer the consequences of something called withdrawal symptoms. This is the feeling of discomfort associated with the process of withdrawal of anything your body is used to.

Not everyone is addicted to the same things,but you have to collect the information needed about your spouse so you can find out what’s the best thing to be used to induce addiction. People who lack self confidence, for example, will be mostly addicted to people who make them feel worthy while people who feel lonely will become addicted to those who can provide a strong intimate relationship.

NLP Representational systems

NLP representational systems classify people according to their inner representation system. The classification includes three major categories:

1) Visual representation system

2) Auditory representation system

3) Kinesthetic representation system

By familiarizing yourself with your husband’s representation system, providing him with what he needs. Meeting his wants should not be a problem and consequently you’d be closer to matching his criteria and making him fall in love with you.

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