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deal with a crazy mother

How to deal with a crazy mother

A mother’s caring nature can sometimes turn into excessive possessive and demanding causing her to behave crazily. To avoid useless quarrels and discrepancies in house, one should handle such situation a little more emotionally, rather than rationally.

How to deal with mood swings

The human brain constantly gets the inputs from the external world through the sensory organs. It is any one of these inputs which is responsible for altering your thoughts and thus results in a mood swing. Here are some tips to deal with mood swings.

deal with a lost love

How to deal with a lost love

A person can easily lose patience while handling several relations in life. This serves as the core cause of unexpected breakups in the long run. One of the best solutions to deal with a lost love is to understand and respect each other‘s feelings and

How to Deal With Heartbreak

Guide on How to Deal With Heartbreak (For Guys)

In today’s world, it is hard to find a man whose heart has not been broken and who have not suffered the pangs of depression. Dealing with a heartbreak is hard but a few tips can help immensely in dealing with the problem.


How to deal with missing someone

The pain of separation from your loved ones, be it on purpose or by force, is overbearing and tends to affect normal routine life. Here we look into easy ways of overcoming this pain and deal better with missing someone.

How to deal with emotional problems

Dealing with a physical ailment, an addiction or a habit might be easier when compared to dealing with emotional problems. But then, emotional problems do surface often in our lives and so we must learn to deal with them and overcome them.

How to deal with betrayal

How to deal with betrayal

Betrayal or abandonment is the feeling of rejection and one of those distasteful truth which hits every individual at some point or other in their life. It is often described as violation of trusts and its results are annihilating. It’s never easy to cope

How to deal with heartbreak and jealousy

Guide on How to Deal With Heartbreak (For Girls)

The reasons behind heartbreak may be diverse but the feeling of sorrow is equal. Heartbreak can stir depressing emotions like extreme misery and excessive jealousy. It can truly be quite catastrophic for the heart where the ache of the past keeps rumbling

How to deal with chronic pain

Living with chronic pain can make your life full of anxiety and stress. Moreover, incorrect information, negative attitude, and fear can make the situation worse. If you are suffering from this condition, then read on to find out how to deal with chronic

deal with your mother in law

How to deal with your mother in law

The word mother-in-law may fill your heart with self-doubt and apprehension. But, you can improve the condition and get along well with her by following some simple guidelines. Here are a few steps to deal with your mother-in-law.

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