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How to deal with missing someone


The pain of separation from your loved ones, be it on purpose or by force, is overbearing and tends to affect normal routine life. Here we look into easy ways of overcoming this pain and deal better with missing someone.

Recall the good times that you had shared

The best way to deal with missing someone is recalling the positive aspects of the relationship by going through the videos, photos, cards, mementos or letters you shared with the person in question. This brings back memories of better times and making you feel more positive towards life and pull yourself out of this low. The key word is to rediscover your hidden self and awaken your inner strength. You are perfectly capable of recreating the good times if only you have the faith in yourself and the ability to learn from the past mistakes and move ahead.

Keep yourself busy

A vacant mind is sure to bring back depressed thoughts. This in turn will cause the feelings of loneliness to spiral and somersault into bringing in more gloominess and discontent. Hence, get busy into your work or pursue a new hobby. You can join extra classes or try to learn a new language too. In case you find all these too much of hard work turns towards meditation, yoga classes or gym activities. The more physically active you are, the less time you will spend languishing in melancholic thoughts. The idea is to push yourself into activities that are both captivating and exhausting and leaves no space for you to find time to sit around missing someone.

Form a new friend circle

Another way to deal with this situation to form a new friend-circle and keep yourself engrossed with life rather than sit and go through the past over and over again. You can start by joining a new club, a new gym, relocating to a new place, changing your job or even by changing your hobby center. A new group of friends will help you change your thought process, stop nagging you with old thoughts. They will help your mind get free from old memories and help form new bonds of friendship, new relationships and indulge in fresh activities. And who knows, one among them might turn out to be your best pal, helping you enjoy your life far better and more actively.

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