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How to deal with a toddler

How to deal with a toddler

It is very natural for all the toddlers to experiment with different things, create a mess all over or throw various tantrums. All these behaviors are a part of their learning and developing process. However, handling them during this age can be really difficult. Read below to know five easy ways of dealing with the toddlers without making yourself mad.

Control your temper

The very first thing that you require in order to control your toddler is a lot of patience. It is true that you might feel angry sometimes, but try not to yell or hit your baby. This will only cause your problems to increase. A toddler basically does not realize that he is doing something wrong and, therefore, your anger will not help in soothing him. On contrary, your shouting and yelling might make him even more aggressive. It will increase his stubbornness and then would get even more reasons to misbehave. Therefore, allow your toddler to calm down and then make him realize what went wrong. If you continuously try to control your anger, even your toddler will learn to have patience and control his anger.


Let them try certain things on their own

Everything around is new for your toddler. This is the age when they get to learn about these things. New surroundings make them more inquisitive. They try to be more independent and want to experience everything for themselves. Let your toddler do small things like put on their shoes, comb their hair or eat food by themselves. Of course, they will make a lot of mess around and there will be no perfection, but it will be a satisfying experience for them and will help them to learn faster and better.

In addition, also try to make your house as child friendly as you can. Keep the toys in a place where they can reach them easily. Remove all the delicate or dangerous objects so that you need not guard them always. Create a nice space where your child can play, jump and do all the naughty things he wants without you having to continuously instruct him. All this will not only help your child to enjoy much more, but also keep you stress free.


Praise them often

It is the learning age of children and you have to instruct them well to keep them disciplined and make them behave properly at all times. This is a gradual process where you have to make them understand the difference between right and wrong. Discipline does not come only by pointing out at the mistakes, but it also comes by praising your child. Therefore, never forget to shower praises for any good that your kid does. Praising his good behavior will encourage him to behave properly in the future and also make him feel good. It is not that you need to search for a big reason to reward him. Praise him even for the smallest thing that he does, like if he is polite to someone tell him how happy and proud you feel about it. This will encourage him to remain polite in the future. Praise him each and every time and see how it changes his attitude.



Make them disciplined right from the beginning

If you want your toddler to learn certain things, be consistent in what you are teaching. Do it everyday and tell them every time so that they are able to relate to your words. For example, if you want your child to wear his shoes before going out, remind him every time before he starts leaving the house. Gradually, he will understand you and develop the good habit. If you want to change his certain habits, like if he hits other children, ask him to stop it whenever he does it. If he does not stop, give him some time. If you remain consistent, your child will soon get the message and will certainly behave himself. Even if you go out in public, keep teaching him certain things so that he gradually learns to remain disciplined. Do not get embarrassed by your child’s behavior or start yelling at him in public. Bring him home and tell him what went wrong and made you upset.


Ask for help

Most of the toddlers are very energetic and are difficult to control. If you feel it drains off all your energy and is difficult for you to manage, ask people like your relatives, neighbors, friends or babysitters to help you. It is important to take care of yourself and remain energetic always. Meanwhile, you can spend sometime in rejuvenating yourself. This will in fact help you to care for your child in a much better way and you would also not get irritated.

In addition, if you feel your child has too many behavior problems, do not hesitate in seeking a professional help. A counselor can help you and your baby to understand the situation and teach you to cope up better. Both of you can together help your child to learn proper behavior.

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