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How to deal with a jerk

No matter where you go, you will find jerks everywhere, be it your workplace or any social gathering. Avoiding them is perhaps the best way to deal with such people. However, this measure may not work every time. Here are some effective measures which can


How to deal with food poisoning

People who suffer from food poisoning feel certain unpleasantness in the stomach. They can be sick and can feel dehydrated due to the bacteria which contaminate the food. If it gets worse, you must need a doctor’s advice. But before going to


How to deal with generalized anxiety disorder

GAD, generalized anxiety disorder is associated with the feeling of extreme worry. These worries or in other words, GAD brings in more and more of stress. Other associated symptoms of GAD are lack of concentration, tensed muscles, nausea, etc. Here are so


How to deal with nerds

Nerds are those geeks who have intelligence but are physically awkward. The basic characteristic of such type of people are that they are indifferent to things and lack confidence. Here are some of the ways to deal with nerds.

How to deal with anxiety attacks at school

When children come out of the protective covering of parents, it is quite obvious that they will face a lot of problems when they meet other people or children from different walks of life. This causes anxiety. But, there are a lot of steps to deal

deal with difficult people

How to deal with difficult people

No person can remain completely unmoved and intact when dealing with a difficult or negative person. You cannot escape people who are there to cause trouble in your life by either opposing everything you do or doing something which you never want to do. W

deal with nasty people

How to deal with nasty people

The negative energy transmitted by a nasty person not only expunges a convivial atmosphere but also drains out the energy of others surrounding them. Here are some easy ways of dealing with such nasty people positively and keeping your own sanity intact.

How to deal with stressful situations in life

Stress is one of the biggest evils of the present modern day life. It not only damages our mental stability but also wrecks havoc on our health. Moreover, it is soon followed by frustration, depression and other behavioral disorders making the situation


How to deal with marriage separation

Recovering from a marriage separation is difficult. However, it is important that you remind yourself that you can and will move on. Healing takes time, thus be patient with yourself and try the below mentioned tips to deal with the separation anxiety.

How to deal with mood swings

The human brain constantly gets the inputs from the external world through the sensory organs. It is any one of these inputs which is responsible for altering your thoughts and thus results in a mood swing. Here are some tips to deal with mood swings.

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