Travelling to 7 different countries in the next 30 days

Hello everyone,
October is going to be an exciting month.
I am hoping on the voyage to explore 7 different countries in the next 30 days for discussion on medical tourism, health care and for some good discussion on business opportunities.

My first stop will be in France (1st-3rd October) to talk in the IFTM event along with my dear friends and colleagues Elie Moarbes, Karine Touzet, Mickael Guir. We will be discussing the ways we can develop medical tourism in France.

I’ll be then visiting Turkey (3rd to 6th October) with my friend Anna Guchok to help a resort in Istanbul turn in to one of the leading wellness resorts, and other business development services.

The third stop is going to be in Ukraine (6th-10th October), again with my friend Anna Guchok to IVF and fertility clinic Isida and help them become a leading player in this segment through corporate workshops and strategic online marketing activities.

My 4th destination is going to be Croatia (21st- 23rd October), I’ll be speaking in the Adriatic forum that focuses on investment and funding of the medical tourism industry.

My 5th destination is Slovenia (20th October), I’ll be exploring the health care situation of Slovenia with Russian doctors.

6th stop is going to be in Algeria, Africa (24th- 25th October), I’ll be a part of the African medical tourism conference and I’ll be talking about sustainable development of medical tourism in Africa.

My 7th destination is going to be Jordan (26th- 28th October). Here, I’ll be speaking in an international healthcare travel forum.

So friends mark your dates. Let’s discuss some business opportunities if you happen to be around.

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