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Traveling as a couple? Remember these key dos and don’ts

Whether you are married or just got into a relationship, traveling will bring out both the best and worst in you and your partner unless the both of you have the good sense to arm yourself with a few key do’s and don’ts in advance


1. Plan the trip together

Unless a trip is a surprise gift for your partner, remember to always plan it together. This will help you ensure that both of you visit a place that is interesting to the both of you. Plus, this would also help you plan an itinerary of activities that are appealing to you both.

2. Share expenses, if you’re not married

If you’re not married, you should share all the expenses of the trip equally. If you don’t earn as much as your partner, offer to pay for a part of the trip at least.

3. Pack medicines and buy some munchies as soon as you can

Nothing will suck the romance out of a trip together as a couple as a bout of sudden sickness and low blood sugar. Check if the country you’re visiting allows travelers to bring food and medicines into the country. If they don’t, buy some generic ones the first chance you get. Also buy some basic protein bars, a pack of chips and some juice. These will keep you replenished while walking through the street or even in your hotel room when the kitchen is closed.


1. Keep posting updates on your social media pages

It may be very tempting to keep your peeps updated about your exotic vacation. But given how addictive social media is, you might end up spending more time updating your profile than spending time with your partner.

2. Forget condoms

Unless you have planned to get pregnant during your trip, buy and keep a handful of condoms right by the bed in your hotel room to be safe. Even if you’re on the pill, you should keep condoms handy just in case.

3. Force your partner to do things they don’t want to do

The single biggest reason why most new relationships don’t stand the test of the first vacay as a couple is because one of the ends up pushing the other to do things they don’t want to. If your boyfriend isn’t up to visiting every single museum in the town, settle for your top pick and then do something that he really wants to do.

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