The most beautiful falls known in Virginia are the Crabtree Falls. It has the title “the highest vertical drop cascading waterfall east of the Mississippi.” It is located at the east of Mississippi and it is the tallest waterfalls located in Nelson County. For anyone who lives in the mid- Atlantic region these Crabtree falls are a must see. It is open from morning till evening and this is a spectacular place to visit and for hiking. You will be able to find a parking lot with fee for each vehicle. The view is superb as the falls are divided into five cascades and many small ones, just imagine the view of the water that if flowing from such a height and cascading. It looks like milk flowing from the hills. The falls cover a total distance of 1200 feet which is amazing, so the falls are high and deep it gives an amazing experience while you plan your Travel trip to Crabtree falls.
William Crabtree who has settled in the region in 1777 is the person after whom the Crabtree falls have been named. Allen Tye, an extensive explorer of the local Blue Ridge Mountains is the person after whom the Tye River which is at the bottom of the falls is named. He must have had a fabulous time and experience as he was the first person who ever saw this beautiful place.
The footbridge that is across the Tye River was specially transported from the New York State which is one piece and was installed in 1978. Till the mid of 1980’s this footbridge was used to hike up Crabtree falls but now it is more like a attraction and the parking is set at the other side of the river. The trail that is paved to the bottom of the lowest falls from the endpoint of the parking area the trail gets dirt and it makes the first of the nine switchbacks while it goes to the top of the falls. The trail is in good condition and it has guard rails made of wood which help on the way at steep portions and railed overlooks at the best view points. When you are at 0.5 miles you will find a rock that looks like a cave when you pass through it you can get to the exit on the other side joining the trail.
For an overlook you need to arrive at the top of the falls at 1.1 miles from the region of parking and go across the wooden bridge. At this point you will not be able to see the Crabtree falls but the valley floor and Blue Ridge Mountains can be viewed. The rocks that are on the uppermost portion of the falls are covered with slippery algae so don’t try to climb on them. The forestry Service sign says that 23 people who tried to climb on those rocks have fallen and died. The falls are narrow in some places so you should be careful while hiking and at times the falls get wider. The view is beautiful and you will be rewarded with many scenic views while going. Though there is dirt and path that is rocky with stairs of stones it looks great. At this point cross the footbridge again and go down or continue to the left up trail as the hike becomes flatter and follows the Crabtree falls. It is a wonderful sightseeing place.
While you plan the trip of traveling trip to Crabtree falls carry a camera so that you can take back the beauty.
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