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Basic do’s and don’ts that simplify business travel

simplify business travel

Business travel freaks most first timers. Here is a simple list of do’s and don’ts that can simplify your business trip.


1. Pack a light suitcase

Pack a different suit and a pair of underwear for each day of your stay. Carry no more than two pairs of shoes and bring only the most basic toiletries.

2. Be well organized

Create and print out a proper itinerary for your trip. Keep all your important papers in order. Carry spare phone/laptop/tablet batteries and ensure that they are always charged.

3. Nap on the plane

You will need to stay focused and at the top of your game through the trip. Use the time on the plane to take a nap. It will relax and rejuvenate you.

4. Make the most of your time off

Use the time you have on your hands when you don’t need to be working during a business trip to explore the city.

5. Keep receipts

An excellent way to keep your business trip transparent is to keep a receipt of everything. You may be reimbursed for a few travel expenses.


1. Check bags with important documents in them

Airlines are notorious for losing luggage. To be on the safe side, ensure that your important documents, laptops etc. are in a small bag that can fit in the overhead compartment on the plane.

2. Get drunk

Forgo the nightly drink for something healthy to avoid hangovers. If your client/contacts insist that you have a drink with them, limit it to a single drink and nurse it for the entire meeting.

3. Bring a sports/duffle bag

A business trip requires you to appear as professional as you can. Even if you’re carrying a single suit, bring it in a nice, black, rolling suitcase.

4. Hook up

Hook ups are very commonplace during business trips. As tempting as those may be, try and avoid them like you would the plague. Not only would it invite scandal, it is also terribly unprofessional to hook up while you’re on company’s time and traveling on the company’s tab.

5. Forget to ask for business cards

A business trip could be a great way to make new contacts. Exchange business cards with all your professional contacts as well as with people like chefs, bar tenders, the odd small business owner you met, travel contacts etc. You never know when these contacts might come in handy to you.

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