You have to be a champion traveler to be able to cope with long flights. They are absolutely different from shorter flights which you probably find enjoyable. As for me, anything over an hour is excruciating. Many of us have to travel long hours for work, pleasure or just to visit the folks back home. If a flight has a few stops in between, it does break the monotony, but what if you have to travel non-stop for 20 hours? Long flights are now being touted as being eco friendly, so be prepared to face non-stop flights for 20 hours in the future. In fact, Quantas proposes to start a 20 hour non-stop flight starting from Sydney and ending in London from 2022. And they’re including mini-gyms and beds in the plane. Learn more about this along with some unbeatable tips on how to cope with the longest flight:
How to cope with the longest flight in 2022
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The CEO of Quantas challenged Airbus and Boeing to manufacture a plane which is capable of a 20 hour flight. Both the aircraft manufacturers rose to the challenge and it seems, have come up with planes which can achieve this feat. This would be the world’s longest flight, and passengers would have the time of their life in it, if all goes according to Quantas’ plan.
The airline is calling the project ‘Project Sunrise’. Apart from tweaking a plane’s engineering so that it can carry 300 flyers (and luggage) with ease, the plane would have to carry enough fuel for emergencies, delays, headwinds etc too. Quantas has plans to start direct flights to major cities in North America, South America, Africa, Europe from Australia.
The airline has come up with various innovations within the plane as well, which would help passengers to cope with the 20 hour flight. It’s offering a luxurious flying experience – crèche, sleeping bunks, mini gym, bar which would make people want to fly the world’s longest flight.
Though all the in-flight facilities sound really good, you have to be prepared and know the ways how to cope with the longest flight. For example, the mini-gym can only hold a fixed number of people at a time, and you can’t really drink or sleep the whole time – so what would you do to keep yourself busy and survive the long haul flight to tell the story?
Tips to survive the longest flight ever
These tips will work for all long flights, whether its 8 hours, 15 hours or 20 hours. And for people like me, 2 hours!
Fly premium
Perhaps the most essential thing is to plan ahead. Try to get hold of a comfortable seat – for example, exit row seats have the most leg room. We adore babies, but crying babies on a long flight is not everyone’s preferred travelling choice. If you want to sleep, book your seat at the back, as usually international flights make special provisions for babies. And if you like to move about the plane, book aisle seats, so that you don’t get black stares from your co-passengers for getting up so often. Choosing the right seat is therefore one of the best ways how to cope with the longest flight.
Don’t forget about deep vein thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis may not happen to you, but you should do whatever necessary to avoid it on long flights. When we’re discussing how to cope with the longest flight, we have to take DVV into consideration. Some simple ways how to avoid DVV:
- When you go to the toilet, walk for 20 minutes before coming back to your seat
- Point your toes so that your calves are stretched
- Draw the alphabets with your foot so that you get to move your ankles
- Any kind of leg muscle activity is helpful
- Stay hydrated – drink water before and after and during the flight
Carry a small zip case/pouch
If you’re wondering what to take on long haul flights, the first thing is a zip case where you can keep all the things you are sure to use during the flight. Earphones, phone charging cord, lip balm, lotion, face masks, pen, candy, kindle should be in this pouch which you can attach to seat back in front of you. If you carry these items in a bag which you want to keep below the seat in front, you might regret it later when you want to stretch your legs compleltey.
Work on your pet project
One of the best ways how to cope with the longest flight is to work on your work. You don’t have to type things on your laptop (can do that if you want), but you can use the time to review your project and for jotting down ideas on paper.
Save some snacks
Instead of eating the whole meal at once, you can keep some of it for later, to eat when you feel puckish or when you’re watching your third movie. Since the plane will not stop anywhere, you should pack some snacks which come really handy, believe me! So what to take on longhaul flights – some snacks like nuts, cereal bars or granola bars to stave off hunger and boredom pains.
Don’t keep checking your watch
It doesn’t help at all if you keep looking at the time – it makes the time pass even more slowly. Rather than that, watch another movie or close your eyes and listen to your favorite tunes.
Wear comfortable clothes
Long haul flights are not the best time or place to be the fashion hot plate you are – in fact, wear your most comfortable clothes. Wearing a few layers is probably best, as you can shed and put on the layers according to how cold or hot you feel. Loose but close toed slip-ons are better than other tight footwear as your feet might swell in too snug shoes. If you want to wear your clunkiest boots when you land, open them in-flight and wear slipper socks or something along those lines.
Think of long haul flights as your airborne retreat, when you can spend time with your thoughts. Choose a good airline too, as it makes a huge difference and can transform your experience from a drag to an unforgettable one.