Unless you make a conscious choice to let them go, unpleasant things will continue to haunt you.
A Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi
Becoming conscious is probably the most important thing to do. It doesn’t matter how you come to your senses. Whether it be from opening yourself to new experiences in life, by reading a book, or by practicing mindful meditation. The important thing is to come to a state where you can see your own thoughts, and you are also able to judge whether these impact your life in a positive way or a negative way. And after this you just have to make the decision that it is the time to let go of the negative thoughts that have been sponging your spirit. Once you make that decision, paths would automatically open up for you.
Quotes; ” Unless you make a conscious choice to let them go, unpleasant things will continue to haunt you.” – Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi