Just as it takes time for the mud in muddy water to settle, meditation only yields fruit if it is practiced regularly for a long time.
A Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi
In nature, everything takes its own time. The sun, the moon, and earth, they all have their own cycles, so do all the birds and animals. But, due to too much of interference by outwardly stuff, we humans tend to somehow lost touch with our most intimate and spontaneous self. Meditation is the natural process that helps us in retreating back to this self. It comes naturally to all the humans, but like all the other natural processes, you need to give proper time to it. Unless you haven’t meditated for half an hour everyday for three consecutive months, you cannot say that you practice meditation, as it might not start showing its effects till then. But once you have practiced it for that long, you’d automatically find out the peace and joy that had been sitting deep inside you all along.
Quotes; “Just as it takes time for the mud in muddy water to settle, meditation only yields fruit if it is practiced regularly for a long time.” – Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi