Take all the time you need to analyze your priorities, and accordingly, decide what is good for you.
A Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi
Just think about it, what is actually good for you? Is it to keep doing what you do, what your society has dictated you for ages, and feel trapped? Or is it to actually sit back analyze the things that are in front of you i.e. all your experiences and memories, qualities and faults, and to try to discover something meaningful out of life? The first way would make you feel like you are doing good for society, but you wouldn’t even know what exactly is it that society needs. The second would help you in discovering your own goals, and to align them in such a way that even your society benefits from it.
Quotes: “Take all the time you need to analyze your priorities, and accordingly, decide what is good for you.” -Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi